What is God looking for?
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What kinds of things do you look for? A person in the crowd? A loved one at the airport? A list of movies or television shows? A coming storm? Or maybe the perfect car, house or pair of shoes. I don’t want you to just read that question. I’d love for you to make your list. When do you find yourself searching? When you have answered that question for yourself, you know how to consider this one: What is God looking for?
I recently lost my keys. I looked everywhere and eventually had to admit that they were lost and I wasn’t going to find them. A lot of work went into replacing them, and then one day, weeks later, I found them in a suitcase pocket. Sometimes I look for something casually; other times I look with desperation. God always knows where things are. He doesn’t lose “stuff.” On the other hand, He doesn’t always see what He is watching for either.
I recently rediscovered a verse in Jeremiah, chapter one. That chapter talks about the prophet’s calling. Jeremiah was to be a prophet to Judah and warn the people that they needed to return to God or the nation would be lost. Jeremiah described the moment God equipped him for his calling. Jeremiah wrote, “Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I have put my words in your mouth” (1:9). A few verses later, God tells Jeremiah “for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled” (1:12).
Is it really that simple? God gives his word and then watches to see if, when, and how his word is obeyed and fulfilled? Actually, yes. God never makes a rule that he doesn’t require us to keep. God never gives a calling that he doesn’t equip us to fulfill. God never promises an outcome that doesn’t come to pass. God puts his word in our mouths and then watches to see it fulfilled.
Take a moment to quiet your thoughts, look to heaven, and look for the face of God. See him—watching you, watching to see that his word is fulfilled. The God of the universe is watching you. Proverbs 15:3 says, “The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.” Take a moment and ask him: “Do you like what you see, Lord?” “Am I fulfilling the word that you have given me?”
I don’t think we approach the Lord as often as we should, as often as He wants us to. When Jesus died, God invited each of us to his throne. Hebrews 4:16 is our encouragement: “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” God is watching, waiting for us to come to him and receive his word. God is watching to see if we will fulfill our calling.
Jeremiah saw God reach out and touch his mouth. We should watch for God to do the same thing for us. As you read Scripture, hear a sermon, or even read a blog post, do you sense God lifting a verse or a phrase to your mouth? Jeremiah was called to preach and teach God’s word. God placed those words on the lips of Jeremiah when he was just a young man. Jeremiah preached those words until he was old. God was watching to see if Jeremiah would fulfill his calling and was not disappointed. But there is one more thing to consider before closing this blog post.
In today’s world, Jeremiah probably would have been viewed as a failure. Things went well under King Josiah. After that, only the remnant believed what the prophet said. Jeremiah’s messages weren’t popular with the people or with the priests. But, God didn’t tell Jeremiah to be popular. The Lord told him to preach his word. And God said he would be watching to see that his word was fulfilled.
The good news for Christians today is that God’s word remains truth. He has given each of us a calling and equipped us for that call. It really is that simple. Success is not measured by the response of others. Instead, God is watching to see if we fulfill his calling. So, to the remnant: Keep speaking the word of God.
Think back to your list of things you spend time looking for. The most important thing you and I should look for is God’s hand—as we receive our calling. God is watching. Let him find what he is looking for in your life. It is good to approach his throne, seek his face, and find his smile.
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