Hope Is Like Honey

Hope Is Like Honey

Sometimes I reach for the remote and change the channel. I don’t want to ignore the news; I probably watch more than I should. But sometimes I need to turn off the television and turn to God. The past two weeks have been hard to comprehend. I needed a word of...
Wisdom for 2015 from Pablo Picasso

Wisdom for 2015 from Pablo Picasso

I recently solved a “Don’t Quote Me” puzzle from USA Today that surprised me.  I have been to museums and have seen famous paintings by Pablo Picasso.  But I never understood or appreciated his wide array of work.  I taught second grade and often...
Frasier Crane and King Solomon

Frasier Crane and King Solomon

I was up too early one morning and happened to tune into an episode of Frasier. I didn’t watch the show very often when it originally aired, even though it was incredibly popular and won more than thirty Emmy awards. It was a spin-off of the Cheers show, which I...
Dear, Lord: I’m ready to listen

Dear, Lord: I’m ready to listen

Note: I’ll be taking the month of July off from blog writing to focus on a project that will release in 2025. I hope you will enjoy some of my previous articles about God’s wisdom and why we need it in our daily lives. Dear, Lord: I’m ready to...
Clay feet, rusty nails, and the Daniels of this world

Clay feet, rusty nails, and the Daniels of this world

For those of us in ministry, the news has been rough lately. It’s difficult to see heroes of the Christian faith fall. I won’t use this post to gossip or slander, but I do think it’s good to remember that all of us who walk this earth do so on clay feet. The Bible...