Why We Ask For Money
Teaching Bible study has been my great blessing and joy for almost forty years, and daily I am grateful for the calling God has given me.
Honestly, three years ago, I would never have considered teaching anywhere but in front of a live audience, but as Denison Ministries grew, we began recognizing a great need for our ministry to offer online Bible study, grounded in God’s truth.
Foundations with Janet Denison was created with that mission in mind—to provide trusted, biblically-based Bible study to as many people around the globe as possible.
Since we began offering free Bible study online two years ago, Foundations has gone from reaching approximately 9,000 people monthly through my weekly blog to over 35,000 people! In addition to the weekly blog and multiple online Bible studies we provide, Foundations also has added social media channels, a podcast, videos, and books.
Our ministry as a whole is also growing. From two employees when Denison Ministries was originally founded, to almost forty people currently, God continues to bless our ministry and provide the resources we need to help create a movement of cultural changing Christians, who are firmly grounded in the truth of God’s word. (Denison Ministries is comprised of Denison Forum, First15, Christian Parenting, and Foundations with Janet Denison.)
However, the increase in staff and the number of resources we create, as well as the frequency with which we release them, tell only part of the story as to why we ask our audience to donate to our ministry.
A valid question
Asking about our request for donations is a valid question.
When my husband and I give to organizations, we want to know where our donations are going. The integrity of an organization is so important to us, and as a result, our highest priority for our own ministry is to be good stewards of the financial resources with which God entrusts to us.
For example, Denison Ministries uses a third-party research company to keep our salaries in line with similar industry work.
However, we must all use our God-led discernment when considering where to give our money, especially when there are so many worthy opportunities to give these days.
Why we ask for donations
The calling God has given to me through Foundations with Janet Denison is to provide biblical resources, grounded in God’s truth, to as many people as possible.
However, we don’t just want to provide trustworthy Bible study and other biblical resources. As I noted earlier, we are called to build a movement of culture-changing Christians, and we are working to build that movement by creating and releasing resources that can “equip the saints for the work of the ministry.”
With that calling comes the need to expand our capacity to create and release these resources. Our goal is to reach believers who want to strengthen their walk with the Lord so they can confidently share God’s truth with others.
In fact, on average:
- Foundations with Janet Denison is being interacted with 64,000 times every month
- 7,000 people have signed up for our online Bible studies.
- Over 32,000 emails are being opened a month
- 19,000 resources and articles are being read online every month
- Our social media is engaged with over 9,000 times per month.
Research tells us that if you want to influence enough people to build a movement, you must reach a certain percentage of a population. The bottom line? If we can influence a certain number of people to live with a Kingdom focus, they can help shift the entire culture toward Christ.
That is our calling, and it’s my hope and prayer that God will call you to join our mission.
Everyone at Foundations is so grateful for you, and I am blessed to walk this journey with you!

Janet Denison
Founder of Foundations with Janet Denison