Do You Want Some Extra Time For God?
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If you want some extra time for God, start “unsubscribing.” NOT from our emails, please! We will try to write words that enable you to spend time with God, not take it away. But, how much time do you spend deleting, perusing, or considering the other emails you receive each day?
The cashier casually asks you for your email and you give it. The result: a daily onslaught of emails from their business. Multiply that by the number of stores you have ordered from, or spent money with, and your inbox is soon crowded with ads, promotions, and temptations that take more of your time than you even realize.
Last week I started unsubscribing. I spent a good bit of time going through the trash on my computer, opening the ad that I probably didn’t take the time to read, and finding the word “unsubscribe” at the bottom of the page. Most of the time it is in a light gray, teensy-type font. When you click on unsubscribe it takes you to a page that asks you which of the five different emails you want to be excluded from. Look for “all” and make sure to submit your choice. It isn’t easy to unsubscribe. The companies have to honor your wishes, but they want it to be difficult for you to get rid of them.
Proverbs 2:6 says, “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” The key to that verse is discerning what comes from the Lord‘s “mouth” and what comes from other places. If you are like me, most of your emails do not come from “God’s mouth.” So . . . whose mouth is doing the talking?
Distraction is one of Satan’s favorite weapons. We are too smart to believe Satan when he suggests that Bible study and prayer are unimportant. We know better than to listen to that lie so Satan doesn’t suggest it. The lie that catches us most often is the thought that “we will get around to it.” Satan is fine with you knowing that prayer and Bible study are important; he just doesn’t like it when you choose to spend your time like you know it. Distraction is a powerful tool in his hand.
I decided to take the edge off that particular weapon in my own life. I sat one evening with Jim while he watched the Rangers game on TV. I “unsubscribed” to most of the companies, magazines, and websites that filled my inbox each day. It was harder than I thought, and sometimes I had to make myself say “no” to their potential offers. Slowly, but surely, my inbox is less active and I am finding that I spend a lot less time looking at “stuff.”
— “The Lord gives wisdom.” I want God’s wisdom for each day.
— “From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” I want to quiet the other voices in this world so that I have a greater awareness of his.
set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit
is life and peace (Romans 8:5–6).
Christians have eternal life, but we can choose to spend our earthly lives distracted from the things of the Spirit and focused instead on “fleshly things.” Do you need to spend some time “unsubscribing” from distractions? Anything you do that allows you more time to focus on the Holy Spirit will bring you life and peace. I smile now when I open my computer. I have a lot fewer distractions awaiting my attention these days and, yes, it is surprisingly peaceful.
PS: I finished writing this blog post and sent it to our editor, Kelley. She sent me this link, which looks great. It should make unsubscribing a little easier. (Now she tells me!!)
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