I’m already elected to a powerful position
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I’ve decided I don’t have time to run for President of the United States.  I need to invest my time in a more powerful position.  Politicians must spend too much time defending themselves against accusations – I think I would like to make one instead.  My accusation: “Rational, thoughtful, well-intentioned Christians are choosing to be “PC” over “BC”.  The result?  Our country is in a LOT of trouble.”  Our actions are too often based on what is “politically correct” but Christians have been called to live, think and vote for what is biblically correct.  So, rather than run for President, I need to continue to teach the Bible – and all of us Christians, need to start obeying it.  THAT is the answer to what is wrong in our country.  2 Chronicles 7:14 doesn’t say “If people would humble themselves and pray…” it says, “If MY people, who are called by MY name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face…”  God needs his children to get it right and then he can do miracles.  Christians have POWER…but it isn’t ours, it is God’s power through us that will change this country, and the world.  And God wants so much more for us than what we are able to accomplish on our own.

Statistics are easily available on the internet, if you can figure out who has it right.  But Christians should be looking at a few basic numbers.  (I know you want to click over to something more “fun” right now – but you need to keep reading.  This matters to your family!)

  • Church attendance has been in steady decline since 1970.  This decline is most significant among the educated, white population.
  • Since 1970 government spending has increased by 1860%. (That is not a typo.)
  • In 1970 about 10% of our babies were born to unwed mothers.  Now, it is closer to 50%.
  • There were about 450,000 adults in jail in 1970.  Now, there are about 2,500,000.
  • The Texas Right to Life statistics say that in 1973 there were 744,600 abortions performed.  In 2004: 44,612,810 since abortion was legalized.
  • The National Debt in 1970 was approximately 381 billion dollars.  In 2010: 12,034 trillion.

Those are just a few of the numbers.  I know there are all kinds of ways to explain the problems in this country that don’t include church attendance.  And goodness knows, we pastored churches long enough to know that “attending” church doesn’t always mean you are “attending” to God.  Jesus said in Matthew 7:21, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”  Still, the statistics should not be ignored…but we mostly choose to ignore them anyway.  As each year passes, politically correct will ease away from what is biblically correct.  Which direction will you go?

Billy Graham was asked if he would run for the presidency and he responded by saying, “God called me to preach, I do not intend to do anything else as long as I live.”  I’m glad he kept his focus.  We need to as well.  Jay Leno interviewed Ron Paul this week, asking him about his position on abortion.  I loved his response.  (Not that I’m endorsing any particular candidate…no way…I’m just saying I liked what he said!!!  Whew…no retraction needed here!)  Back to this blog.  Ron Paul said, “Changing the law didn’t create the abortions, changing the morality of the people changed the law.”  And changing the morality of the people is the best way to change this country.  I know you know that….the question the Lord would ask of you is this, “What are you doing about it?”  Does your “PC witness” give people permission to live, governed by what they feel is correct, or does your “BC witness” call them to live according to biblical standards?  Let me leave you with the apostle Paul’s words on the subject.  Ephesians 4:14-16 says, “Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.  Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is Christ.  From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”  Which ligament can you do without in your body?  The Lord needs all of us to do what He is calling us to do.  With God’s blessing, we can change this country.  Without it…imagine the statistics your grandkids will live with!  Speak the truth in love…and do the work God has called you to.  I will never be president…but I have been “elected” to a powerful position!

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