Share God’s word, not word salad

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to share God’s word with perfect clarity? 

I’ve most often muddled the task when I have assumed I know what to say instead of understanding I don’t. The only perfect words are authored by our perfect God and it’s easy to get in his way sometimes. 

One of my favorite verses in Scripture is Psalm 19:14. It is a verse I like to pray before I teach, speak, or write a blog post. The psalm says, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” 

We need more than words to communicate the truth of God; we also need an acceptable heart.

The phrase word salad has been used for political purposes recently, but I wondered what the phrase meant. As it turns out, it’s a pretty good description for some of our “muddled” speech. If we want to share God’s word with clarity, we should understand what that means biblically.

What is word salad?

Merriam-Webster defines word salad as “unintelligible, extremely disorganized speech” or “a string of empty, incoherent, nonsensical words or comments.” 

Technically, it has often been used to describe the speech of someone with a mental disorder. Lately, word salad has been used politically to describe an answer to a question that never really provides an answer, or a series of relevant-sounding phrases that are actually irrelevant to the listener.

If you are like me, you’ve heard sermons and podcasts or have read articles or papers that, when finished, haven’t seemed to make an important point at all. (Even as I type those words, I am prayerful for my own writing!)

Someone described word salad as a jello salad, saying, “Who first thought about opening a can of fruit and putting it in a bowl of jello? It is like taking something healthy and mixing it with something to make it less healthy.” 

Obviously, that person isn’t a huge fan of jello salad! 

Do we sometimes mix God’s word up with things that make it sweeter to the taste but less beneficial than God intended his word to be? 

One of the best seminars I ever attended was led by a Christian fiction writer who had, on occasion, been criticized for being too graphic in his mystery writing. He said his editors would often ask him to “soften” his words.

The man then spent the next minutes describing several passages in Scripture that had been “softened” in order to teach or preach them in church. I will always remember the point he made that day. He asked us, “At what point did God give us permission to edit or soften his word?”

It is sobering to consider the words of Christ who said, “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:36–37).

Careful speech is not “softened” truth

I think we need to word God’s truth carefully. 

I sometimes cringed when I sat in the pew with my young boys and listened to a biblical passage or sermon that dealt with sensitive, adult topics. I knew the car ride home might get interesting! 

Thankfully, I knew the preacher was coming home soon and I could just say, “Wait and ask your dad about that.”

My husband, Jim, and I were talking about our early years of ministry. We had a conflict in our small church because some of the women wanted to do a baby shower and help an unmarried, pregnant teen get ready for her baby. Other women in the church worried that we were expressing acceptance of sin as we were offering compassion to someone who needed it. Honestly, both sides of the conflict were able to make a strong, biblical argument.

We ended up hosting the shower and helping the unwed, teenage mother. I’m glad we did that, but, at the same time, forty years later, I’ve seen the problems associated with softening or withholding God’s word on the subject of a premarital sexual relationship. A 2015 survey said that almost 90 percent of unmarried men and women confessed to having a sexual relationship prior to marriage. Other articles called premarital sex “the norm.”

When is the last time your preacher boldly preached the truth of God’s word on the subject? 

Hebrews 13:4 is a clear statement: “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.”

Have we softened God’s word on the subject of homosexuality? 

Paul told the church in Rome that there would be consequences for those who engaged in that behavior. He said, “For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error” (Romans 1:26–27). 

Many have tried to edit Paul’s statement or rewrite it to bring it into agreement with current, more tolerant thinking. There isn’t any way to edit Paul’s words to make those sexual sins acceptable today.

At what point did God give us permission to tolerate what he has said is dishonorable, unnatural, and shameless? Are we helping a person if we offer tolerance for sin instead of offering the truth about that sin? 

Paul taught we must speak “the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15), but he also taught we must speak the truth.

Does our word salad sweeten God’s word but make it less beneficial?

As I have said before, one of my “life verses” is from the book of Hosea. God told the prophet, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children” (Hosea 4:6).

Is our good desire to protect people’s feelings hindering God’s desire for them to know the truth? 

Current statistics would seem to say that tolerating sins is not helping people to understand that God has said there are consequences to those sins. 

Are people’s lives, and eternal lives, being destroyed because they lack knowledge of God and his word? Is a lack of truth destroying our children’s and grandchildren’s generations?

I know I have softened God’s word at times to help it feel more appropriate or acceptable. I may even have helped others feel better about their sin as a result. I pray that God will forgive my offering of word salad when what they most needed was the truth of God’s word.

There is a new way to look at an ancient psalm. Those words say, “Set a guard, O Lᴏʀᴅ, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips! (Psalm 141:3)” 

As I read that psalm, I pictured the plexiglass guard that hangs over the salad bar at a steakhouse. My new version of that psalm became this: “Hang the guard, Lord, over all my ‘word salad’ and help me leave the jello-words unspoken. Instead, guide me back to the table to consume and share the meat from your word.” 

The words of our lips ought to provide people the wisdom they need to walk in God’s truth.

Let no one suffer because they lack knowledge of who God is and what God most wants for their lives now and eternally. 

They might want the salad bar, but we need to help them choose the steak instead.

Salted conversations

Do you ever feel bombarded by words in our culture today? 

That probably seems like an odd thing to say, given that I make a living with my words. Recent news has certainly sent word bombs flying throughout all the media sources. 

As Christians, how do we make certain our words are landing in the right places?

I have listened to a lot of the rhetoric surrounding the Supreme Court and other issues. I’m not going to debate the issue of abortion because there is no need. I have always liked the simple message I read on yard signs back in the eighties that said “It’s a baby y’all.” Truth isn’t as complicated as fiction. 

I’m glad people are thinking again about the truth of the abortion issue, in addition to the politics the issue creates. But, in all the conversations I have listened to, no one seems to be discussing the deepest concern. There is a profound truth that has been lost to our culture today and to our conversations. 

Why aren’t we speaking about the reason unwanted babies are being created?  

The truth about consequences

There are millions of statements being made about personal freedom. Where are the statements about personal responsibility? I’m not unaware that the issue is complicated by the fact that some babies are created as the result of an attack. But the complete truth about abortion is shaded by that fact.  

Last year, more than one million babies were aborted. Only 1.5 percent of those abortions were attributed to an attack. That means, if the numbers are correct, last year 985,000 babies lost their lives because their moms and dads didn’t want to take the responsibility or live with the consequences of creating them. 

There is a reason that God wanted the most personal relationship a person can have to belong to a husband and wife, who would keep that relationship sacred and holy. Christians need to be salting their conversations with the complete truth of God’s word on this subject. 

Any time we break God’s laws, there are consequences. Are we leaving a generation of God’s children in the dark because we don’t want to hurt their feelings? Be judgmental? Do we just quietly feel badly about the lack of truth, or do we choose to salt our conversations with truth?  

The truth about consequences is that there are consequences for speaking truth, for speaking partial truth, for lies, and for staying silent when truth is needed. 

The truth about salty words

Don’t you hate getting salt on a cut finger? 

It stings and often we don’t realize there is a problem until we feel the burn. 

I was curious: Why does salt sting? Google to the rescue! 

I found an article that explained the sensation. Salt stings for the same reason antiseptic stings: both activate the nerve “receptors.” I couldn’t help but see the metaphor.  

Sometimes “truth hurts.” We shouldn’t throw our truth around, hoping it will cause pain. That is using our words as weapons. At the same time, we can’t help the fact that when salt hits a wound people feel it. The sting alerts them that something is wrong. It is a natural response of our “receptors.” 

God created all things, including us. It would seem he wanted us to feel truth sometimes, especially when it is applied to something that is wrong in our lives. 

Why did Jesus call his disciples “the salt of the world”?

I just finished recording six Bible studies from the Sermon on the Mount. (They will be available on the website later this summer.) Jesus was teaching his disciples when he said, “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet” (Matthew 5:13). 

Disciples are the salt of the earth. Our words may be the only Scripture, or message from God, that people will hear on a subject. Have we allowed the culture to remove the “saltiness” from our conversations? Is that why our culture has been “trampling” God’s word with their rhetoric? 

Our unsalted words may not sting people quite as much, but that’s because they are no longer as good. People can throw them away and walk on them. Truth will sting, but that is because pure, salty truth hits a receptor. 

God wants us to notice when something is wrong. 

Will you live a salty life?

Peter Marshall was an American preacher in Washington D.C. who later served as a Senate Chaplain. He was known for his wisdom as well as his preaching talent. Peter Marshall said, “Give to us clear vision that we may know where to stand and what to stand for—because unless we stand for something, we shall fall for anything.” 

Have Christians fallen for Satan’s messages of partial truth? 

If so, we have lost our saltiness. If our words don’t “burn” some wrong opinions these days, our words have lost their saltiness. 

If we don’t stand for biblical truth, we will fall for something less. Jesus taught his disciples that an unsalted life and witness won’t be good for anything. Jesus also taught his disciples to speak the truth in love. In other words, don’t rub salt into wounds but, at the same time, don’t hesitate to let God allow the truth to “burn” just a bit, even when you speak it with love. Be encouraged that when people “receive it” they might become aware of a wrong in their lives and know to fix it. 

“Unless we stand for something, we shall fall for anything.” Peter Marshall was right to encourage us to live with a clear vision and the strength to stand for God’s truth. May our words be salted with his truth, by his Spirit, for the sake of his purpose. If our words burn just a bit, it is just the truth about consequences.  

Disciples are the salt of the earth. Our salted conversations bring the flavor of truth to our words and to our world. Our culture deserves the chance to know God’s word and hopefully live a life he will bless. 


Faith and Football

I love the game of football, and this year, because of Dak Prescott, I love it even more. I’m a huge Cowboys fan because my guys were all huge fans. Jim taught me everything he could about the game and ESPN was on our television every day after school. Now I can recognize a holding penalty, pass interference, and intentional grounding as soon as the other team makes those mistakes. (A true fan is rarely objective.)

My boys bought me a Romo jersey years ago and I have put it to good use during the regular season, but not very often in the post season. Christmas is right around the corner, guys . . . I believe Prescott wears the number 4? (A subtle blog hint to my family.) I don’t want to hurt Romo’s feelings because he seems like a great person, but I think we might need a permanent change in our Cowboys’ leadership. I have a bad back too—and Tony and I should both want to avoid that kind of pain. I would hate to see Tony take a hit again that could leave him with permanent damage. He has children to think about now. Maybe it is too soon to put our faith in Dak. He is, after all, a young rookie. But he won the game in Green Bay! (For the non-football readers, that is kind of like David taking down Goliath.)

I watched a video interview he gave ESPN a couple of years ago. Dak lost his mom to cancer when he was still in college. Every time he scores he touches his facemask, and then points to heaven, in her honor. He has the word “Mom” tattooed on his wrist. She was a tough mom and made sure her kids grew up knowing they were loved, cared for, and that they needed to become responsible people. She raised a strong son in Dak, but there is a greater strength available to him as well.

I googled Dak’s name because I was hoping that gesture had something to do with his faith in God. Sports heroes have a great platform to share their faith. Jim wrote an article last week about Tim Tebow. The media is fascinated with the standards that Tim has set for his life, and even more fascinated that he has maintained those standards. I hope Dak Prescott will discover a faith like Tim Tebow’s someday. He seems like a good man . . . I hope he will be a godly man too.

Few of us have the influence of a prominent football quarterback, but all of us have the ability to influence others with our Christian faith. Recently I was speaking about Nehemiah and his prayer that we find in chapter one. Nehemiah prayed that God would help him find favor with a pagan king so that he and others could return to Judah and help rebuild the walls and the temple in Jerusalem. Nehemiah was the cupbearer to that king. Only a man of the highest character could hold that job. The king literally put his life in Nehemiah’s hands, trusting that he could not be bribed or coerced by those that wanted to cause him harm.

God answered Nehemiah’s prayer and he did return to Judah. Nehemiah said, “And because the gracious hand of my God was on me, the king granted my requests” (Neh. 2:8). For the Christian, success is experiencing the gracious hand of God on our lives. People like Nehemiah experience God’s favor because of their faith-filled lives. Jesus grew in “wisdom, stature and favor with God and man.” Our growth and success can be measured by those same terms. Nehemiah lived with godly character and found favor, even with a pagan king.

Tony Romo, Dak Prescott, and every other quarterback—including Tim Tebow—spent most of their lives perfecting their skills so they could play football well. They all had innate abilities, but those abilities required discipline and focus. Tim Tebow wasn’t as good at football as Tony Romo or Dak Prescott. Could it be he had a higher focus for his life than success in a sport? If true success is measured by God’s favor, who has actually been the most successful quarterback?

The sports broadcasters will debate which man should be the Cowboys’ quarterback for the rest of the season. I hope it is Dak Prescott. He does look like he has amazing potential. But I hope that one day soon he will touch his facemask, point to heaven and tell the world that God’s gracious hand has brought him success. I hope Tony Romo heals and is able to help the team, and remain well enough to play football with his boys in the days ahead. And I hope Tim Tebow continues to make news so he can share his faith with a world that needs to know his God. Each man can lead a great life that will include stories of their success on the football field. In addition, their lives will be measured by God and he will use different standards than those who evaluate a game or tally stats.

If Nehemiah were a football quarterback today how would he define success? I wonder how many games he would win. Would Nehemiah have been a Dak Prescott, a Tony Romo or a Tim Tebow? It would be interesting to know if God’s gracious hand would impact the game but it is certain that God’s hand would determine success.

I hope all of us feel God’s hand resting on our lives as we surrender our abilities to serve God’s higher Kingdom purpose. I don’t know whether the Cowboys will head to the playoffs or the Super Bowl. I don’t know which quarterback will be leading during those games. I do know this: in the grand scheme, it doesn’t matter nearly as much as what you and I accomplish today by the power of God’s gracious hand.

Join us at and chime in on this week’s discussion question
: In what ways do you make birthdays more meaningful for your kids and those who know them?

The “3 P’s” of Christian Politics

During my husband’s Q & A event last week, the second question out of the box had to do with this year’s election and the continuing “drama” that surrounds our candidates. Whether we like it or not, this is the topic everyone wants to discuss. When it comes to this year’s election, there is a lot more shade than light. Is there some biblical advice to consider for the weeks ahead? I’d like to suggest three “P’s” for Christian politics.

First, each Christian should consider his or her priorities in this political climate. When you leave a conversation, a party, a luncheon, or the office, what will matter most? Is your witness more important to you than your political position? Do you want your candidate to win more than you want Jesus to be glorified? The answers may seem obvious, but, if the people you spoke to were judging your level of passion, what would they think? Would you rather talk about Trump or Clinton more than Jesus? Can you talk about Trump or Clinton and bring Jesus glory in the process?

This is actually an important time to witness. Our nation and government matter, and Christians should care about the election. At the same time, do we act like a president is more influential, powerful, or important than the King of Creation? Paul was teaching Timothy how to handle the Roman government when he said, “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way” (1 Timothy 2:1–2). I don’t think the words “peaceful, quiet, godly and dignified” are going to apply to the political rhetoric this month. Paul would strongly “urge” us to make certain they do apply to our Christian witness amid the rhetoric.

The second point I would make is this: Who do you really believe has the most significant “power” in this world? There is no doubt that our leaders make a difference. We should vote for the people we believe are most capable to govern our country. At the same time, we need to remember that God’s power is supreme and can be trusted. I think Daniel would give us that message today. He knew what it was like to be governed by people who didn’t care about the will of God. Daniel placed his trust in God, saying, “He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding” (Daniel 2:21).

God has all power, but he gives people the power to choose. This election, we should use the power God has given us—but understand that ultimately we can trust God to give or remove power according to his will and purpose.

Finally, we need to honestly consider our “purpose” in politics. I wait for the chance to vote for a person who understands that his or her purpose in politics is to serve. The arena can be a difficult place to maintain a Christian witness. Even as I type this blog post I wonder if there is a person reading these words who will step into the political arena with a commitment to use politics in order to serve God. That person will have a difficult time surviving in that arena unless they are fully reliant on God.

Daniel faced the lions because he knew his only purpose was to faithfully follow God. When his faithfulness landed him in the lion’s den he didn’t try to fight, he tried to stay faithful. When King Darius approached the lion’s den he called to Daniel saying, “Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to deliver you from the lions?” Daniel was able to answer, “My God sent his angel and shut the lions’ mouths, and they have not harmed me, because I was found blameless before him” (cf. Daniel 6:20–22). Daniel knew the lions had enormous power to kill but understood that his purpose was to continue to serve God faithfully. His faith and purpose had eternal significance. Ours can too.

Most of the people I know are watching the news, the Internet, and the debates wondering how things could have come to this in our country. Our priorities are not reflected. Our power seems to have diminished. And our purpose in the political scheme seems diminished. None of that is true. Our light is most visible when the darkness invades. Is our Christian witness our number one priority? Do our words and attitudes indicate our complete trust in the power of God? Is our purpose to serve God and minister to others, even when an arena is filled with lions? God will remove kings and set up kings—and he will give wisdom to those who have understanding (Daniel 2:21).

In the meantime, God’s people need to stand with Christian priorities, trust God’s power, and fulfill the purpose God has given us to accomplish. What if God plans to raise up a Daniel in the days ahead? What if you are a Daniel? When King Darius realized that Daniel had survived the lions he gave this message to his ungodly culture:

“I make a decree that in all my royal dominion people are to tremble and fear before the God of Daniel. For he is the living God enduring forever; his kingdom shall never be destroyed, and his dominion shall be to the end. He delivers and rescues; he works signs and wonders in heaven and on the earth” (Daniel 2:26–27).

May that be the message we send to our culture today. Amen?

Join us at and chime in on this week’s discussion question
: How do you manage the level of your child’s participation in extra-curricular activities?

I Vote For…

Do I want stronger or greater? Do I want male or female? Do I want business savvy or political experience? Do I want a second home in Australia or Canada? The election is just weeks away. I vote for . . . ?

I picture myself on Election Day, sitting in my car and wondering what to do. My candidate isn’t an option. My candidate didn’t want his or her family to be raked through the media. My candidate didn’t want to be grilled or parodied by late-night comedians. My candidate didn’t want to have his or her personal life treated as fodder for networks more interested in creating news than reporting it. Maybe my candidate didn’t have a chance to win because he or she thought about running, and chose not to.

I have more compassion for Jonah all the time. Why would somebody choose to go to Ninevah when there is beachfront leisure property available in Tarsus? Why would someone want to give away his life instead of keeping it? And why does God ask us to?

Jesus wasn’t mincing any words when he talked to his disciples about the cost of faithful service to God and others. Jesus gathered his twelve disciples around him and told them to prepare for persecution, slander, hatred, seclusion, and even death. Matthew 10 is not an uplifting message intended to entice people to follow. Our faith is a cross to carry. Jesus never set his disciples up for anything but apparent failure. Instead, he taught them that failure with the world is often eternal success.

Jesus looked at his disciples and said:

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it” (Matthew 10:34–39).

Our generation has been able to forget that kind of message—until now. We have been admired, respected, and appreciated for our Christian values. In the days ahead, that will probably become less and less the case. As I face the election this year I wonder if God called someone into the political arena who decided to run for Tarsus instead. I wonder if anyone God called could possibly feel electable. I wonder if God’s candidate is still waiting on God’s timing. And I wonder if one of the current candidates will be a “Saul of Tarsus” in the days ahead. Either candidate could be the greatest president our nation has ever seen, if either would bow before God and choose him as Lord.

One thing I don’t wonder about is whether God is involved. He cares who is elected. He cares whether or not we listen to Him and follow his will. Jonah found that out in a hurry. Maybe someone is waking up in the belly of a fish right now and thinking, “Okay, I’ll do it, no matter the consequences.” Jesus told us that walking with him would be messy—but worth it. “Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it” (10:39).

I vote for. . . ? Whomever God tells me to, when I get out of my car, stand in line, and prayerfully stare at the machine. In the meantime, I am praying for one or both to wake up, decide to head to Damascus, and experience a profound encounter with Jesus. It won’t be a good day for them, but it could be a great day for our nation.

2 Chronicles 7 is in the Bible and is, therefore, pure truth. God told King Solomon:

When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or
send pestilence among my people, if my people who are called by my name humble themselves,
and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayer 
that is made in this place (7:13–15).

I can’t and won’t tell someone how to vote, but God definitely will. I can tell you that if you will pray, God will answer. Many people travel in and out of the Oval Office but only One sits on the throne in heaven. I vote for . . . whomever He tells me to when I’m standing in front of that machine.

Until then, I am praying for Jonah to get spit out on the sand. I am praying for a president that will head to Damascus and encounter Jesus. I am praying for God’s children to pray like their lives depend on God’s answers. God has promised He will hear, answer, and—one day—redeem everything for his glory. Jesus said, “Whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” Are you ready for genuine discipleship? I vote for that.

Join us at and chime in on this week’s discussion question
: How do you manage the level of your child’s participation in extra-curricular activities?

God’s Kind of Kindness

I want to express gratitude to those of you who made donations on North Texas Giving Day.  Our ministry was blessed by your generosity.  Thank you for caring for us, and for supporting the ministries of the Denison Forum.  We will continue to freely give our resources because you have given to us.  We appreciate your partnership in spreading the message and ministry of Christ. – Janet

Should Christians be careful about everything we say and do? The answer is “yes,” but reality is something less than perfection. We teach our kids to be kind, even though they will experience unkindness from others. We make kindness a standard of behavior but live with the free will that enables us to choose another standard when we want to.

We listen to campaign ads and debates filled with anger and malice. We respect and love people who voice differing opinions. We listen most intently to conversation that take place with lowered, secretive voices. The quiet words are often what we remember most. As Christians we know what God has called us to do but all of us are living as imperfect examples.

Every now and again it is good to reexamine the standards we have accepted for our lives. Many of us have felt that if we are kinder than others, we are doing well. But who are the others and should they be our standard for comparison? Are Christians acting with greater kindness than others or are we acting with God’s kind of kindness? Is it possible for imperfect people, surrounded by imperfect people, to live with his standards for our lives? When in doubt, I like to look to past wisdom to gain perspective on the future.

Here are a few standards for kindness from some wise leaders:

— Henry Drummond said, “The greatest thing a man can do for his Heavenly Father is to be kind to some of his other children.” When we are kind to others, we express kindness and gratitude to God. All of us would like to think we have made God smile. Who will you treat like God’s child today?

— Blaise Pascal said, “Kind words do not cost much; yet they accomplish much.” We might be slandered by a few people, even for a kind act. But we will be liked and respected by most people for that same kind act. Kindness might cost a little, but in the end, it earns us much more than we paid.

— Steve Groll said, “If I treat people with the same courtesy and kindness I would like to be treated with, it may change some people, but the person it changes the most is me.” We are often kind, for our own sakes. We really do “reap what we sow,” and kindness is one of our most valuable crops. But, the best way to become a kind Christian is to act with Christian kindness toward others. Jesus did not need to be treated like God’s Son in order to be God’s Son. We don’t need to be treated with Christian kindness in order to be Christians.

— Martin Luther King Jr., speaking about the parable of the Good Samaritan, said, “The first question which the priest and the Levite asked was, ‘If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?’ But the Good Samaritan reversed the question: ‘If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?'” We know to be kind so that God will bless our lives. Maybe we need to ask ourselves if we are aiming for the higher standard: Are we expressing Christian kindness so that God can use us to bless others?

Paul provided some spiritual advice on the subject of kindness. Paul explained that kindness was a gift of the Holy Spirit. In other words, true biblical kindness is produced by God’s Spirit, more than by our good intentions. If we want to be kind Christians, we will need to be filled with the kindness of Christ. But that is true of all the character qualities the Holy Spirit wants to produce. Paul wrote, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law” (Galatians 5:22–23). The fruit of the Spirit will never be our best efforts. Spiritual fruit is always God’s perfect effort in us.

If the Holy Spirit prompted our conversations, how would they change? Do we set the same standards for our homes as we do for our time at church, or work, or social occasions? Is kindness a natural byproduct of our Spirit-led lives? We can never be perfect, but we can make sure we are living with God’s kind of kindness. The sure way to lower our standard is to never reach for God’s. His character can infuse ours, through the power of his Holy Spirit. Let’s aim for God’s kind of kindness.

So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. (Galatians 6:10)


Join us at and chime in on this week’s discussion question
: How do you manage the level of your child’s participation in extra-curricular activities?

We need your help! North Texas Giving Day is Today!

I don’t think I’ve ever heard a sermon about the widow’s mite that wasn’t about the widow and her gift. Jesus was definitely making a point about her generous giving. She had almost nothing and still wanted to give some of what she had to the Lord. That probably doesn’t apply to most of the people reading these words. We will probably wonder what we will eat today rather than if we will be able to eat today. Most of us are abundantly blessed with that security. The majority of the people, even in the first century, “contributed out of their abundance.” I rarely ask, but today I need to: Will you consider doing the same?

Many of you have chosen to use North Texas Giving Day as an opportunity to support our ministries, and all of us at Denison Forum have been blessed by your generosity. Today will offer you that opportunity this year. is my website and reaches thousands of people each week. My goal is to offer biblical teaching to all who visit the site through a weekly blog post, in-depth Bible studies, and other resources. Your donations make it possible for us to freely offer this ministry to everyone.

I’ve received letters of gratitude from foreign missionaries who translate the materials for their congregations. My Bible studies and blog posts have been used by prison ministries, neighborhood Bible studies, and small congregations of believers who are able to download the free content and save their budget dollars for other needs.

Many of you have already told me that you plan to give today, and I’ve been able to say, “Thank you” face-to-face. For others who plan to give, please know that I would wish for that same opportunity with you. If you have never made a donation to Denison Forum, would you consider giving now?

I can honestly say that we have a well-staffed, hard-working ministry, and we will do our best to honor each donation with our choices and priorities. We are an Internet ministry and are able to use even “the widow’s mite” to impact thousands. I honestly believe the Internet is a powerful mission field, and every day people come to faith in God, return to God, and grow in their faith because of the materials made available to them by websites like ours.

It is easy to give, and we are grateful for every dollar. Thank you, and may your gift be a blessing to you as it will be to others.


Join us at and chime in on this week’s discussion question
: How do you manage the level of your child’s participation in extra-curricular activities?

You Are A Fixer Upper

I spent the morning filling bags with clothing that other people could wear. My closet had grown too full of things that I have enjoyed but no longer need. (My friends would tell you I tend to hang on to things a few seasons longer than I should!) It felt great to hand bags to Goodwill and drive home knowing my closet was a little easier to navigate in the days ahead.

As the seasons change, there is something fulfilling about bringing some of that change into our surroundings as well. Soon I’ll pull out the fall decorations, the sweaters, and the winter shoes. I’ll put away the summer things and look forward to the time I pull them back out of the cabinet. I actually like most changes because they give me a chance to renew and refine life just a bit.

A few years ago we remodeled our master bath. I have to admit I got tired of the mess before the job was finished. But, every day I walk into my remodeled surroundings and I’m glad we went to the expense and effort to get it done. Some changes are easy and quick ways to improve life. Others can be tough and require a little more patience and endurance. Occasionally change is drastic and painful to endure. One thing is certain: change is going to happen for our entire lives.

As you know, I’m a big fan of Fixer Upper on HGTV. In fact, I enjoy a lot of the programs on that network. It amazes me to watch an old, smelly, rundown home become new again in just one hour. In reality it takes months, but on television it only takes moments. I think that is how God views our lives from his perspective. We see our lives in seasons, or one room at a time. God sees the entirety of our lives as the finished product. They might look like a torn up mess, but he already sees the full remodel revealed. I recently found a quote by C. S. Lewis that painted a picture of change I hope to remember. Lewis wrote:

“Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of – throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself.” C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Each of us is a fixer upper and God purchased us anyway. Some lives need more work than others, but all of us need more work than we realized. Our master “remodeler” is the perfect contractor who brings in the right workers at the right time. Sometimes the job is just a “cosmetic fix” as they like to say on that show. But other times there is a sledgehammer necessary because a wall needs to come down. Lewis was right when he said we thought we were “a decent little cottage.” I think most of us would settle for being less than who God wants us to be.

But God purchased us with the intention of doing a full remodeling job. We would like for our lives to be a “quick fix” but most of the time it will take a lifetime to turn us into the final product God has in mind. So, the next time change comes our way, let’s try to see it from God’s point of view. He is building us into a palace because, after all, Jesus lives within.

I think Paul and C. S. Lewis must enjoy hanging out together in heaven. From what I can tell, they were similar personalities. Paul wrote, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price” (1 Corinthians 6:19–20).

God was compassionate enough to purchase our lives even though he knew we would take a lot of remodeling. I know there are some awful rooms he looks at and determines are “total gut jobs.” Other rooms he chooses to refine and redecorate. Joyfully, he continues to refresh and update our lives, as long as we live. Change doesn’t seem as difficult if we realize it is just part of a larger remodeling job. We might be cottages now, but our final blueprint is for that palace!

I think I’ll tackle another closet before lunch! I’m sure I have a lot more stuff around here that I should give away. I hope it will be a blessing to someone else. Change is good, necessary, and always for a greater purpose. Look around your home. Do you have any closets, rooms or even floor plans that need some remodeling? Invite the “Contractor” into your life . . . even if He is carrying a sledgehammer. It will be worth it in the end.

Join us at and chime in on this week’s discussion question
: How do you manage the level of your child’s participation in extra-curricular activities?

Wesley Noah Denison: Perfect joy is worth the wait.

Wesley Noah Denison, the son of our youngest son, was worth the wait. He was due August 19th and wasn’t born until the 31st. He is a strong, beautiful, healthy boy and instantly loved by his family. A newborn baby is a reminder of the perfection of God. It is good to hold a baby and remember that God holds each of us with the powerful and abiding love a parent has for their child.

Wesley’s mom, Rachel, spoke of the immediate love and compassion she felt for Wesley as soon as the nurses laid him in her arms. Rachel had a long wait and the last days were difficult, but Wesley Noah’s arrival quickly replaced those memories with joy. I watched my “baby” hold his baby, and enjoyed the look on his face as he watched his son. Wesley will teach Craig and Rachel even more about God’s love in the days ahead. Perfect joy is worth the wait, and waiting is one of God’s perfect lessons.

Why is waiting such a big part of our earthly lives? We probably all have something we are waiting on, waiting for, or waiting to happen. We wait until it is time to leave and then wait to arrive where we are going. We wait in traffic, wait for doctors to call with a report, wait for kids to grow up, wait for jobs to change, and wait for our hopes to become realities.

Some studies suggest the average American spends about an hour a day waiting. Of course there are a lot of variables, but an hour a day seems about right. I was thinking about the days we spent waiting for the phone to ring telling us that Wesley was born. We continued to do the normal things of life, but his birth was always in our thoughts. Sometimes waiting is something we sense we are doing even while busy with other things.

I had a new thought last week while waiting for the phone to ring. I checked Scripture and I checked with my “live-in commentary” otherwise known as my husband, Jim. I could not find one reference about waiting in heaven. I considered the idea that waiting is only something we do on earth. Imagine never waiting for anything ever again. The more I learn about heaven, the more perfect it becomes.

James began his letter to the congregation he loved saying, “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing” (James 1:2–4). Perseverance is produced through the things that test our faith, but the “full effect” is an existence that is “perfect, complete and lacking in nothing.”

The hardest moments, the longest waits, the most difficult trials are the things that refine our faith and teach us perseverance. A few verses later James tells us: “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him” (James 1:12). The crown of life is the last thing we will ever wait for. Once we receive that crown, there will be no more need to persevere or wait for anything.

We will be standing next to Jesus when God rewards us with our crowns. We will be in the presence of God and our Savior. We won’t wait for knowledge, direction, or good news. We won’t wait for peace, health, or joy. We won’t wait for satisfaction, success or safety. We won’t wait for anything because we will have achieved everything.

Oswald Chambers said, “Perseverance is more than endurance. It is endurance combined with absolute assurance and certainty that what we are looking for is going to happen.” Perseverance is waiting with assurance because our hope is in God’s word. Some of what made the wait for Wesley seem difficult was the desire to see him safely born into this world. Now that Wesley is here his mom and dad will persevere just like every mom and dad before them. Raising children is a wonderful, challenging, and joyful act of faith and love.

We will wait to see Wesley smile, sit up, crawl, walk, and say his first words. We will wait to see him reach all of those early milestones and then we will wait to see what kind of man he will grow to become. Most importantly we will wait for the day he receives Jesus as his Lord and chooses to live with Kingdom purpose.

Perseverance is more than endurance . . . it is knowing God will work in the lives of the people we love. But one day, we will be done waiting—because God’s work will be complete. Heaven is perfection, and when we receive our crown, we will have nothing else to wait for, ever again.

Let’s remember Jesus’ word to John on the island of Patmos. It is our word of encouragement today. Jesus said: I am coming soon. Hold fast to what you have, so that no one may seize your crown (Revelation 3:11). That crown is the last thing we will ever have to wait for. Until then, we persevere with confidence.

In the meantime, we will persevere in prayer for our sweet grandson, knowing that God has a wonderful plan for his life. Wesley Noah Denison has been a wonderful reminder that the perfection of God is always worth the wait.

Join us at and chime in on this week’s discussion question
: How do you manage the level of your child’s participation in extra-curricular activities?

It’s Time

Colossians 4:5 encourages us to make “the best use of the time” God has given us. Psalm 90:12 tells us to “number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” Our grandparents told us to slow down and enjoy our lives. Their grandparents probably told them the same thing. Why do we spend so much time looking down the road, around the corner, or at our personal schedules for the week ahead? What if the best moments of life are found by enjoying whatever you are doing in the moment?

There are some interesting statistics available to us about the way we spend our time. According to one article, the average person, who lives to be seventy-five years old, will spend his or her time as follows:

— Twenty-six years will be spent sleeping and seven years lying awake, trying to fall asleep.

— Eleven years of our life will be spent in front of the television set.

— Eight years will be spent shopping.

— Three years will be spent doing laundry.

— 10.3 years will be spent at work.

— 4.4 years will be spent eating.

— Five years will pass as we surf the Internet.

— The average American will only spend seven years outdoors.

— Forty to sixty hours a year are spent in traffic; one in three teens sends more than 100 texts each day.

— Women spend 136 days getting ready to go somewhere while men need 46 days to do the same thing.

— We spend six minutes a day laughing; in the 1950s people laughed for eighteen minutes each day.

The survey estimates that most Americans have about six hours each day for discretionary use. How do you want to use that six hours today . . . that forty-two hours this week . . . that 1168 hours each year? Are you enjoying your life as much as you should? Are we accomplishing as much for God’s Kingdom as we could? Are we laughing often enough?

Ephesus was one of the fastest paced, most metropolitan cities in the first century culture. Located on the sea, the streets and harbor were constantly filled with travelers from around the world. Paul spent a great deal of time in the city and so did the Apostle John. The Christian church there became one of the most influential in the first century. And Paul admonished them saying, “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is” (Ephesians 5:15–17).

It is hard to know what Paul meant when he said “the days are evil,” but many theologians think he was speaking about the culture of the city. The Roman government, the Greek philosophies, and the Jewish legalism were all opposed to God’s plan and purpose. But Paul encouraged them to be wise and make the best use of their time.

I think Paul would say the same thing to each of us. We can know God’s will because we have the Bible and his Holy Spirit to guide us. If we understand and walk in God’s will we will be wise and make the best use of our time. And I imagine we will laugh a lot more, watch television a lot less, and enrich the twenty-four hours God has given us each day of our lives.

Jim and I lost a good friend last week. He was only a few years older than we are. We have spent a lot of time over the past few days asking ourselves and God if we are “making the best use of our time.” It is a good exercise.

The next time you are spending some of those minutes stuck in traffic, lying in bed waiting to fall asleep, or getting ready to go someplace—ask yourself and God if you are numbering your days according to his plan and his will for your life. God would enjoy giving you that answer. I’m sure about this: he wants me to laugh more than six minutes each day!

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.
Psalm 90:12


Join us at and chime in on this week’s discussion question
: Share Your Best Strategies for Back-to-School Success