Our Best Road Home: God’s Path to Holiness (21 Week Study)


Our earthly lives are a journey, and God loves us so much that he gave us a guidance system to help us avoid many of the detours and false turns that turn up along the way. There is a highway that is a high way. That road is the one God has planned for us to take during our earthly lives. Each road has been designed by God to help us accomplish his plan and purpose for our lives. We all make wrong turns, but for those who love God and are called to his purpose, God is faithful to correct those choices and return us to his better path. 

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About the Author:

Janet Denison has been writing and teaching Bible study for over forty years and founded Foundations with Janet Denison in 2020. She has dedicated her life and ministry to helping people learn how to study the Bible and apply God’s truth to their lives. For over twenty years, she led a weekly women’s Bible study at Park Cities Baptist Church and continues to speak at churches and community events.

She has authored several books, dozens of Bible studies, and many Advent devotionals. You can find her weekly blog on her website.

Janet is a Houston Baptist University graduate and married to Dr. Jim Denison. They live in Tyler, Texas, and have two married sons and four grandchildren.

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