King Solomon’s Mother’s Day Advice: Part Two
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Let’s look at some more of King Solomon’s wisdom as it would apply to moms. By the way . . . it is probably time to start leaving subtle reminders about this Sunday being a VERY important holiday. A friend sent me a video that I’ve included with this blog, that would be an excellent reminder! Enjoy! In addition, may I suggest the Macy’s Ad on the front seat of their car. Or a list of your favorite restaurants attached to their cell phone. Better yet, go ahead and download a picture of yourself, holding one of your babies as their screen saver. Any of these should do the trick. If not, post something on their Facebook page Monday! King Solomon wrote, “Do not say, “I’ll pay you back for this wrong! Wait for the Lord, and he will avenge you” (Proverbs 20:22) – but then again, King Solomon was never a mom! There are just a few occasions that require immediate accountability. That said . . . what other words of wisdom would King Solomon have for this Mother’s Day?
Proverbs are words of wisdom that teach us how to live with godly priorities and purpose. Sometimes the best way to parent, is to understand that God’s thoughts are higher than our own (Isaiah 55:9) and it is a good idea to find that high road and walk it! More advice from King Solomon:
4. Proverbs 14:15 – “The simple believe anything, but the prudent give thought to their steps.” Thinking takes time and we need to take the time to think. My biggest mistakes were impulses. Teach your kids it is easy to make bad choices quickly. When they are little we worry they will run after that ball and step into a street. When they get older, it’s the same impulse – only this time they are driving a car. Children will get a lot of their “beliefs” from the television, the internet, or from you. Raise them to be a “thoughtful, prudent” generation.
5. Proverbs 16:3 – “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” Begin each day committed to the Lord and whatever it is he would do in your child’s life. I remember when Craig looked at me and said he was dropping out of college to do music in Nashville. (It wasn’t a great moment for me!) Interestingly, Craig knew what God wanted him to do and I wanted him to do something less. Craig graduates on Friday, but that year he spent in Nashville is as valuable to his future as his four years at the university. Jeremiah 29:11 does NOT say, “I know the plans I have for you says your MOTHER!” If your children are committed to the Lord, God will establish their plan. (And be prepared for it to look vastly different than the one you have!)
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<br /><div style=”text-align:center;”>HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!</div>
{/source}6. Proverbs 22:4 – “Humility is the fear of the Lord its wages are riches and honor and life.” Teach your children to claw their way to the bottom – you truly want them to be more like Jesus than whoever is clinging to that top rung of the ladder. Humility is Christian success and the dividends are riches, honor and life. All of us want our kids to be successful – and we will probably have to fight our human nature in order to raise them with the biblical definition.
7. And finally, to my fellow moms, Proverbs 17:6. “Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.” Live in such a way that your children can be proud of you. There will be times (mostly in those high school and college years) when maintaining their respect means they probably won’t like you as much. Choose respect. Some of the best advice I ever heard came from Erma Bombeck. Her son was angry with her and shouted, “I hate you.” Her response: “I love you enough to let you hate me.” That is wisdom!
The title “Mom” is a high honor. The title “grandma” comes with a crown! (Look again at Proverbs 17:6.) Many of us have kids and all of us will influence kids. Let’s live in such a way that our witness will help them walk with God. Enjoy the video and may all of you have a blessed Mother’s Day!
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