BatKid got his wish

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“Holy social media Batman,” there is a new sidekick in town. His name is Miles Scott and he is five years old. He has battled leukemia most of his life, but that didn’t stop him from becoming a viral superhero. Miles Scott has a secret identity – but thanks to social media, he is known worldwide as BatKid. Last week BatKid took on foes all over San Francisco and became a hero to a city, and then to the world.

Miles, aka BatKid, is in remission and the Make-A-Wish Foundation wanted to help fulfill his dream to be a super hero. Stefania Pomponi, founder of the Clever Girls Collective, heard about Miles and wanted to help. She reached out to Twitter who created an account for Miles. The @SFBatKid handle went viral and thousands turned out to cheer for Miles as he raced through the streets of San Francisco in a Lamborghini with Batman decals. BatKid rescued a damsel in distress from cable car tracks, captured the Riddler as he robbed a bank, and saved the San Francisco Giants mascot from the Penguin.

He did take a break at a local hamburger joint, but then was right back on the road. His final stop was City Hall where he was presented with a huge key to the city of San Francisco from the mayor. One of BatKid’s fans is President Obama who said, “Way to go, Miles! Way to save Gotham!” Christian Bale, Ben Affleck and Adam West, all actors who have played Batman, also sent messages of congratulations to the BatKid. Not bad for someone who hasn’t yet seen his 6th birthday.

The mini caped crusader had a big day, then went home and took his afternoon nap. Even super heroes need their rest. Miles’ father wanted to thank the thousands of people who lined the streets for giving his son such support. He said that they had endured three difficult years and the day had given them a sense of closure. They are looking forward with hope for better days with their BatKid.

Heartwarming stories like this one are a great reminder that God created us in his image. We were created to do good and to be good. When Miles smiled for the cameras he wasn’t thinking about his struggle with leukemia, he was enjoying the cheering people in front of him. When the people watched Miles run through the city wearing his mask and cape, they weren’t thinking about the bills sitting at home, or trouble at work. They simply found joy in cheering on a pint sized BatKid.

God gave people a fundamental knowledge and desire for good. Most people understand what it means to be good and kind. Psalm 19:8 says, “The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.” We were made in the image of God and when we choose to obey his Laws, we have his joy.

The holidays are upon us. How will you show your love for God and for others? There are children we can cheer for. There are elderly people we can serve. There are people everywhere who have a wish we could help fulfill. We have a wonderful God we can love and obey. The result of living by his precepts is experiencing his joy.

Let’s plan ahead and make sure that our families have a joyful holiday this year. Ask God how you and your family can serve his Kingdom. John 16:24 says, “Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.”

I hope each of us will find a way to fulfill some wishes between now and the end of the year. There is a little superhero inside each of us just waiting for the chance to serve. That service will make this a joyful holiday season.

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Posted by Janet Denison

Janet Denison teaches others to live an authentic faith through her writing, speaking, and teaching ministry. She blogs weekly at and often at She is also the author of The Songs Tell the Story and Content to Be Good, Called to Be Godly, among other books. Janet and her husband, Dr. Jim Denison, live in Dallas, Texas. When they’re not writing or ministering to others, they enjoy spending time with their grown children and their four still-growing grandchildren.