A high moment in American Idol’s finale

A high moment in American Idol’s finale

I watched most of the episodes for American Idol this year because I was interested in following several of the contestants. I hadn’t watched Idol for several years, but this year was different. This year, several of the contestants professed their Christian faith as...
The Giver of good things

The Giver of good things

’Tis the season once again.  Somehow the coffee just tastes better when it is enjoyed with the lights of Christmas.  Somehow, the quiet, colorful mornings of the Christmas season put the rest of the day in a bright, more God-filled perspective.  The news is a bit...
In the desert but not deserted: Part 2

In the desert but not deserted: Part 2

God always has a plan for the desert times in our lives. Most times we land there, God is simply providing us some down time, so that we can listen. Everyone experiences desert times, caused by any number of things.  Last week I wrote about the desert seasons of...
In the desert but not deserted: Part 1

In the desert but not deserted: Part 1

I titled my book Content to Be Good, Called to Be Godly. It’s not a great title, but I could never come up with anything else. I published it with Tyndale about thirteen years ago, and then our ministry bought the rights so I could update it and do a reprint. This...
Spiritual Pilates

Spiritual Pilates

My husband and I just returned home from our much delayed anniversary trip. We spent ten days in Hawaii, and it was wonderful to relax, rest, and restore our souls. And then it was time to come home and get back to work.  Honestly, after one week home I’m...