A high moment in American Idol’s finale

I watched most of the episodes for American Idol this year because I was interested in following several of the contestants. I hadn’t watched Idol for several years, but this year was different. This year, several of the contestants professed their Christian faith as an important part of their life story. 

The season progressed, and last night Abi Carter was voted this year’s American Idol. Abi is one of seven children, raised by a single mom, and said she was from a “religious family.” I did a little research but am still uncertain if she would say she is a Christian. She did sing a Hillsong worship song but was careful to use the word “religious” as opposed to Christian. I agreed with the voters when it came to the quality of her voice. She sings beautifully, but interestingly, it wasn’t Abi’s win or Abi’s songs that became the high moment of this season’s finale. That moment belonged to Roman Collins and CeCe Winans.

The high moment of the finale.

Roman Collins is a 24-year-old worship leader from Long Beach, California. My great grandma ran a boarding house in Long Beach after World War II, and I have fond memories of that city! I love that Roman is a worship leader there. Sadly, he was voted off Idol before reaching the top ten. He returned last night, though, and performed with CeCe Winans during the finale. It was the best moment of the entire season, certainly the best moment of the finale.

If you didn’t watch, take the time to watch their video now. I promise, you will be blessed!

The high moment of the finale was a holy moment. I feel inadequate to describe what happened when they began to sing. I would just say that those moments had a quality about them that displayed the difference between the sovereignty of God and any idol this world might elevate.

The best voice of the entire season was the pure voice of CeCe Winans. Her voice is a gift from God, and she uses her gift for his glory. Sunday night, Roman Collins wasn’t singing to earn a place on Idol, he was singing to honor his God and bring him glory.

The crowd was awed by the performance even though many didn’t realize that it was the worship of God that made all the difference. I was especially struck by Katy Perry’s face during that time.

The difference between respect and reverence.

Katy Perry grew up in a Christian home and actually began her music career singing Christian music. There are a lot of articles that describe her change of heart and change of life. Suffice it to say, she left the church because she felt it was too strict, too narrow, and not a worldview she wanted to have. 

But Jesus hasn’t left Katy Perry. I see conviction in her eyes when someone else talks about Jesus. Her face during the CeCe Winans/Roman Collins song was a picture of someone who misses the One who matters most. Everyone in the crowd would likely respect the quality of the two voices that sang about the goodness of God. Those who understood and had experienced the goodness of God listened with reverence.

The difference between respect and reverence is the difference between evaluating or experiencing the reality of God. That difference will make all the difference in our lives and in our personal worship of God.

A perfect sermon for graduating seniors.

This past Sunday wasn’t just the American Idol finale. It was also the Sunday morning our church celebrated the graduating seniors. Our pastor, who is also our friend, was preaching a message especially designed for those graduating, one of whom was his eldest son. Pike Wisner was the student minister at the church my husband pastored in Dallas. He ministered to our two sons and helped them know God and serve him with their lives. We remember when his oldest son, Nash, was born. It was special to see him now, wearing his cap and gown during the worship service.

Pike’s message encouraged the graduates and everyone else to choose their Christian faith as their highest standard in life. He said that decision would enable our choices throughout the rest of our lives. He used an acrostic for being the “salt of the world” (Matthew 5:13).

  • S: Serve God
  • A: Abide in his word, in his Presence
  • L: Love God and others because that is the highest commandment in Scripture
  • T: Trust God’s word as the truth that will guide every choice in life

Our country is filled with people who respect God, but don’t revere God.

Our country also has some people who neither respect nor revere God. Sadly, these are some of the most visible and vocal people in our world.

Our country needs Christians to once again become the “salt and light” that Jesus taught us to be. 

Our finale is ahead.

I had written a different blog post for today, and the American Idol finale bumped that blog to next week. Next week’s blog post is about the week I spent with my mom in the hospital, unsure if she was going to survive. Fortunately, she is back home and stable! I had a lot of time to think, and I will share those thoughts with you all next week. 

As Christians we are on a journey that is as uncertain as those contestants experienced these past months. Imagine working and waiting each week to see if your entire life would change because of a performance and a bunch of random votes. Yet, for those who do not have the hope of the Lord, that’s how a lot of people feel about their futures too.

Katy Perry, those graduating seniors, and many of us at some point will become a little too enamored with the world. When the world’s idols become appealing, it’s good to remember Jonah’s words. The prophet prayed to God from the belly of the fish saying, “Those who pay regard to vain idols forsake their hope of steadfast love” (Jonah 2:8).

Our finale is ahead. Jesus told us to be the salt and light of the world. Are we living our lives to win the treasure God wants to give? Are we living to bring glory to God, or are we simply performing our lives to win the votes of others? Do we want the titles given by this world, or the high and holy crown of heaven?

The choices we make will be determined by who we Serve, in whom we Abide, in how we Love, and in whom we Trust. How will you be the salt of the earth this week?

There are Katy Perry’s all around us. Let’s help them find their way back to Jesus, the joy of their salvation. God wants to use your giftedness to help others experience his reality in the same way he used CeCe Winans and Roman Collins

Let’s live our lives for the sake of the most important prize. Our finale is ahead, and we want to arrive in heaven as winners!

The Giver of good things

’Tis the season once again. 

Somehow the coffee just tastes better when it is enjoyed with the lights of Christmas. 

Somehow, the quiet, colorful mornings of the Christmas season put the rest of the day in a bright, more God-filled perspective. 

The news is a bit iffy right now, but our joy doesn’t have to be. Romans 8:31 reminds us, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” 

And we know that God is for us!  

God is the Giver of Christmas and the source of our peace, comfort, and joy. Let’s plan to celebrate this month with the Giver of all good things.

The Giver from a biblical perspective

Aren’t you glad that you have God’s presence in your Christmas season? 

The non-believing culture has always tried to foster belief in anything but Christ. Santa isn’t a bad story; he just isn’t the true story. God has given us the perfect understanding of Christmas in his word. 

I’ve often said that we can’t understand Christmas without Easter. If we only think of Jesus as a babe in a manger, we miss the enormity of his birth. Paul gave us an important message for Christmas in his letter to the Roman church. He wrote: “He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:32). 

The Giver gave us Christmas so we could have Easter. The Giver has graciously given believers all things, now and forever.

The Giver from a novel perspective 

I read Lois Lowry’s novel The Giver when it was published in 1993. The book made waves in our world and in the church. It is on the list of the most banned books in the United States. Many say it is unsuited for the age group it targets because it addresses dark subjects. 

I understand the angst, but I’ve always held to the idea that we should educate children rather than indoctrinate them. Our relationship to Christ is a choice, and no one can choose if there is only one side presented. I didn’t fight the message of the novel; I used it to present the difference between truth and fiction. And, frankly, I took some heat from fellow believers over my position. 

I think the novel is an interesting read and provides a message about our world from a non-Christian perspective. The Giver won the Newberry Medal for young adult fiction in 1994 and eventually became a movie. Chances are pretty good that most junior high schools have it in their libraries as recommended reading. I read the book when it was assigned to my son and it sparked some great conversations.  

The Giver is a science-fiction novel that describes a dystopian world that aims for a utopian experience. The book teaches that truth can’t exist in utopia because people passionately desire freedom, choice, and love. Utopia can’t exist in a controlled, non-feeling existence where people are taught to obey rather than care. 

Jonas is a young man in the novel whom the “Giver” is hoping to influence. The giver, in the novel, is the one who knows the “truth” about their existence. At one point, Jonas tells the giver, “You and I don’t need to care about the rest of them.” As soon as Jonas speaks those words, he knows they aren’t the truth. The paragraph continues, “Jonas hung his head. Of course they needed to care. It was the meaning of everything.” 

The Giver is a well-written novel that attempts to inspire truth. Sadly, truth cannot exist without its Author. The giver in the novel is a man, not God. 

The true Giver of all good things 

There is so much about Christmas that sparks joy, especially this year. Or at least, hopefully this year. 

If I had to assign Satan a one-word description, I would call him a virus. As the news of this new virus progresses, it should serve as a reminder that our world continues to need our Christmas celebration. The world needs our Christian truth about the reason for this season.  

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him” (John 3:16–17). 

I was inspired to write this blog post as I read the autobiography from Lois Lowry’s website in light of the verses above. It doesn’t help to condemn lost people for believing “lost” ideas. Christians aren’t superior people because we know the truth; we are just blessed by learning how to live it.  

Lois Lowry wrote, “My older son was a fighter pilot in the United States Air Force. His death in the cockpit of a warplane left a little girl fatherless and tore away a piece of my world. But it left me, too, with a wish to honor him by joining the many others trying to find a way to end conflict on this very fragile earth. . . . I try, through writing, to convey my passionate awareness that we live intertwined on this planet and that our future depends upon our caring more, and doing more, for one another.” I thought it was profoundly moving that Ms. Lowry is most famous for writing The Giver, a book that proves her goal is humanly impossible. 

If I could share the truth . . . 

I wish I could talk to Ms. Lowry about God, the actual Giver of all good things. In some ways, I feel like I write for the same reasons Ms. Lowry listed.  

I believe we live “intertwined on this planet” too. I believe that “our future depends upon our caring more, and doing more, for one another.” But, Lois Lowry and I believe very differently about the Giver. I don’t believe human beings can do the work of God apart from the strength of God. 

Everyone we see this week is filled with the Christ of Christmas, or needs to be. God is the true Giver, who gives perfect gifts that are humanly impossible. His word tells us that he will “graciously give us all things” (Romans 8:32).  

Let’s enter this Christmas season with his perfect strength, his complete truth, and with his inspired goals. And, may the Christ of Christmas light our way through the coming weeks. 

If the Giver is for us, who can be against us? 

In the desert but not deserted: Part 2

God always has a plan for the desert times in our lives. Most times we land there, God is simply providing us some down time, so that we can listen. Everyone experiences desert times, caused by any number of things.  Last week I wrote about the desert seasons of our lives that are natural to our journey and the dry times God intends to use for our discipline and growth. 

Today, I want to write about most of the desert times in our lives.  A desert time is simply a quiet, often spiritually dry time in our lives. 

Often we expect our earthly lives to be less challenging than they are. We have become a culture that expects our lives to be easier than God has promised. This is true of the Christian culture as well. We live in a period of time when many Christian leaders have said if we do A, then God will do B.  

Beware of sermons that promise an easy life to those who walk closely with God.  Biblical truth, like Romans 8:28, is that when we walk closely with God, he is with us in every circumstance and able to redeem those moments for our great good. 

Paul had an un-removed thorn in the flesh. Peter was crucified upside down. John was exiled on the island of Patmos. All of us know strong Christians who have received a difficult diagnosis.  Sometimes God’s saints struggle with a difficult child or an unhappy marriage. Sometimes we enter a desert because of our own choices, but most of the time our deserts exist as a normal part of our journey to heaven.

There are at least three types of deserts, and it is helpful to know why we are crossing through a dry time:

• Is this just a normal part of our earthly journey? 

• Are we there because God wants to discipline and help us make changes?  

• Or, has God provided the desert time for direction or deliverance?


Most of us live fast-paced, full lives.  As we age, we tend to replace speed with routine. There are a lot of ways to move through our lives that cause us to program out the voice and leadership of God. We know to pray and seek God when things aren’t going well, but it’s often the regular, routine parts of our lives that cause us to live according to our own thoughts and ideas rather than God’s. 

It’s no surprise that God would lead us to a desert so he can break our routine and cause us to seek his leadership. The best way to avoid a few of those deserts is to live our lives knowing we have a constant, daily need for his voice. We only think we know our schedules this week. When we made Jesus our Lord, we gave him permission to interrupt our routines any time, for his good purpose.

If our lives are simply a product of our routine choices, we should probably pack our bags for a stay in the desert.  If God can’t direct our paths, he will probably direct us to the desert. We often quote Proverbs 3:5-6 but have we allowed God’s word to mean what it says?

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path” (Proverbs 3:5-6).  This verse is written in a Rabbinic teaching method.  The second part of the sentence is a restatement of the first. Here is why that matters:

Trusting in the Lord with all our hearts means that we do not lean on our own understanding. 

Picture yourself on a bridge, with rushing water underneath. Some parts of the railing are fragile while others are secure. Don’t we want the maker of the bridge to tell us which parts of the railing are safe to lean on?  

In all our ways, if we acknowledge that God is perfect and we aren’t, then we will allow him to direct our path.  The key to that verse is the word “all.”  Sometimes the routines of life cause us to keep doing things like we have always done them. We direct our own paths along what is familiar instead of allowing God to lead.


If God can’t direct your plans each day, he will likely lead you to a desert place until you understand your need for his leadership. A day-to-day routine or a life that is too programmed and rushed doesn’t allow God to call you to his work – the work that matters eternally.  

If our lives are full of things that matter, but not the things that matter most, God will want to provide us with new directions.

Is God re-directing your career path?  Is God re-directing your daily routine?  Is God re-directing your friendships?  Is God re-directing your priorities?  Sometimes the Lord just needs you in another place for a certain amount of time because he has a job for you to do.  Sometimes the Lord turns our lives in a completely different direction.  

He often uses the desert times in our lives to “direct our paths.”  What should we do during that time?  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and don’t lean on your understanding.”  

If a committee had put together a plan to move the Israelites into the chosen land it is almost certain the members of the committee would not have chosen to cross when the waters were flooded. They would have leaned on their own understanding. Interestingly, the reason the people of Jericho were terrified of the Israelites when they arrived is because they had already heard about the power of their God. 

God’s ways are perfect, but if you look at the bulk of Scripture, God’s plans are often outside the scope of men’s natural, reasoned choices. If our lives are limited to our choices, we are limiting what God wants to do through our lives. His direction matters eternally for us and for our witness to others.


Finally I want to talk about the desert times we need, that God provides. There are more of these times in our lives than I think we realize. Have you become “weary in well doing?” Have you been through a time of great grief, loneliness, sickness or of great service to God?  

Sometimes we come to a time when we need significant rest, and God provides us a desert of deliverance. 

God created us to need rest and therefore he provides us the time to rest when we need it.  I love the verse from the prophet Isaiah that says, “For the Lord comforts Zion; he comforts all her waste places and makes her wilderness like Eden, her desert like the garden of the Lord; joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the voice of song” (Isaiah 51:3).

One of the most important lessons from our desert times of life is the knowledge that God walks them with us providing comfort and all we need until we come to a place of thanksgiving and praise.  Our desert times have a beginning and an end.  More importantly, our desert times have a good purpose.


To close, we should ask God to remind us of the desert times in our own lives. It was probably difficult to praise him at first, but what did you learn?  How did God deliver you from that time?  Isn’t it interesting that we most often remember what God taught us, rather than why those times were difficult?

I think that is what God would have us know as we exit the desert time labeled “COVID.”  We should try to remember what God taught us during those days.

My favorite verse for the desert times is from the prophet Isaiah. He wrote, “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:18-19).  

God is always redeeming our deserts for a new purpose in our livesIt has been tough, and now, for most of us, it isn’t. God is working to make himself known in this world.  God is providing a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. A few years ago we prayed for God to end the drought and he did.  A year ago we prayed for God to end the plague of COVID and he did. 

What are you praying for today?  

Our desert times have a purpose because they were part of God’s plan.  When you enter a desert time– and you will– take the journey with God.  He brought you to that time for a reason, and his promise is to redeem it for your good, if you will walk that desert with his good purpose in mind. (From Romans 8:28).

May your journey forward be blessed with the comfort of God’s presence.  He is good; all the time.

In the desert but not deserted: Part 1

I titled my book Content to Be Good, Called to Be Godly. It’s not a great title, but I could never come up with anything else. I published it with Tyndale about thirteen years ago, and then our ministry bought the rights so I could update it and do a reprint. This week’s blog post and the one for next week will be a summary of one of the chapters in the book. 

I did radio interviews after the book was published, and the host usually asked me to explain why I wrote the book and gave it that title. My answer: After a lot of years in the ministry, these are the things I most want to say to my brothers and sisters in Christ—and I gave it that title because it seemed to me like most of the Christians I knew were settling for less than God’s best, myself included. We are often content to be good when God has called us to his higher standard. 

I wrote a chapter about the desert times because it seemed to me like too many Christians were just enduring their spiritual deserts instead of learning from them. We should never be content to simply survive the tough times. God has a higher purpose for those days. That’s what I’ll write about for the next two weeks. 

So, what is the first thing we should do when we realize our soul has landed in a desert? 


I’d lived my life trying to be a good enough preacher’s wife, and one of my first desert experiences occurred when I realized that I never would be. 

It’s an impossible job to get right all of the time. At first, I assumed my desert time was my doing, and in some ways it was. But, I learned a LOT about God as I was home, recuperating from a case of pneumonia that almost took my life. Actually, in many ways, my entire ministry changed after that time. I stopped trying to do a good job and began to work at allowing God to do his job through me. It made ALL the difference. 

God does a lot of work in our lives during the desert times. So, instead of being defeated by a desert, I’d like to suggest we all learn to be redefined by those dry, often difficult, times. You aren’t alone in the desert, although it usually feels that way—even when you are still busy and surrounded by others. You know when your soul is dried up; other people likely won’t notice. The first thing to realize when your soul dries up is that you haven’t been deserted. 

God never deserts you, but he does allow the deserts. Why? 

Deserts aren’t just a period of time to endure. Deserts have a purpose and, if you walk them well, they are an important part of your Christian growth. The thing to ask first is, “Why am I here, Lord?” 


There are seasons of life and there is grace for each season. God is looking for growth, not perfection. We who are older need to be far less judgmental of young people and far more understanding. Is that young person growing in the Lord? If the answer is yes, they deserve our praise, not our comparisons. 

I was a very young, inexperienced pastor’s wife—with two busy toddlers. I wasn’t very knowledgeable of the Bible yet and had a LOT of growing to do. There were some who judged me and many who encouraged me. But those who judged seemed to have louder voices in my life. 

Can I say that a lot of parents who have toddlers probably feel like they are permanently living in a desert? It’s not permanent, but I’m not going to lie: it can seem like a long, dry spell. I used to have an apron that said, “And I spent four years in college for this?” 

Jim would preach about the need for a daily quiet time and, honestly, I wanted to stand up in the middle of the sermon and shout, “The ONLY reason you have a daily quiet time is because I pull your children off the door handle until you are done.”  

Parents of toddlers don’t always have a free hand or much free time to feed their souls. Let’s give grace to all Christians who are in a difficult season of life and help them find ways to grow, even if it is a “slow growth” season of life. 

Interestingly, I probably learned to love God during that young season of my life. I realized the overwhelming love I felt for my two boys was the way God felt about his children, me included. And I can name the people who encouraged me to grow in my knowledge of God and cheered me on every step of the way. Don’t you want to be named on someone’s list of encouragers someday? 

When I speak to parents of preschoolers, I often tell them that while this season is tough, there is never a time of your life that you will laugh and smile more often. Some of our spiritual deserts are simply because we are in a season of life or a season of circumstances. The goal is to take God’s hand and keep moving forward. Some deserts are simply meant for crossing. Growth is learning to walk that time with God and enjoy the comfort of his loving Presence.  


Every Christian blows it and sometimes God hands us a “time-out.” If you ask God why you are in the desert, he might say, “Because you need to stop so we can talk.” Sometimes God wants to preserve our witness and protect us from ourselves! 

The deserts of discipline happen when we blow it. Sometimes we just flat-out lose it and sin. Sometimes we make choices that have lifelong consequences. Other times, we slip into what I like to call “Pharisee mode.” We might see ourselves as a little more “holy” than God does. 

How can we know if we have been led to the desert, aka the time-out chair? 

Ask God and take time to think. You know if your prayers are shallow. You know if God’s voice has grown silent. You know if you are under conviction. And you know if you are too arrogant and think of yourself “more highly than [you] ought” (Romans 12:3). 

God is a perfect father, and his discipline is because he wants better for us than we might settle for ourselves. God doesn’t want good Christians; he wants us to be godly—and there is a HUGE difference between those two things.  

If you know your spiritual life has dried up, it’s important to understand why. Ask, and be ready to repent of whatever is in your life that God is tired of putting up with. The apostle John was on the island of Patmos when Jesus gave these words for the weakened church in Laodicea: “Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent” (Revelation 3:19). 

A perfect Father teaches his children how to live a blessed life. “For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it” (Hebrews 12:11). 

God disciplines when we are living in ways that hinder his ability to bless us and others through us. The desert time of discipline is for our sake and for the sake of our witness with others.  


The truth is, all of us live with the highs and lows of life.  

All of us experience desert times in our lives because deserts are part of the journey. Christian growth isn’t about avoiding desert times as much as it is about learning from those days, months, and sometimes years. Maturity doesn’t mean we don’t experience desert times but it often means we learn not to stay there as long. 

Next week, I’ll continue with this subject. Before then, will you spend some time this week and consider your surroundings? If things are lush, green, and growing in your soul, praise God. If things seem to be dry, dusty, and less than you want them to be, ask God to meet you in the desert, and ask him to lead you out. 

The psalm says that he leads you to the still waters to restore your soul (Psalm 23:2–3). But, God also leads us to the deserts for that same purpose. 

What is God saying to you right now? 

Ask and keep asking until you know. 

Spiritual Pilates

My husband and I just returned home from our much delayed anniversary trip. We spent ten days in Hawaii, and it was wonderful to relax, rest, and restore our souls. And then it was time to come home and get back to work. 

Honestly, after one week home I’m thinking I need another vacation! Several times on our trip, Jim and I talked about the “pace” of our lives and how much slower things seemed to happen in Hawaii.

Hawaiians walk slowly. Cars drive a LOT more slowly. And, at our anniversary dinner, I thought the coconut shrimp would never arrive. (More on that later.) 

We are back home and looking forward to the “lazy days of summer.” Will we slow down? 

Honestly, I hope not. 


I’ve learned there is a significant difference between relaxed and restored. That difference is a great place to begin this month’s blog posts. We are going to spend the month of May thinking about the desert seasons of life and what we can do spiritually to move through those times. 

I think one of the great lies Satan likes to use when tempting God’s people is to convince us we need to relax, when what we most need is to be restored. 

The purpose of the Sabbath rest was so that people would focus on God. A good study of the Sabbath shows that God didn’t tell his people to “relax” their standards on the Sabbath. In fact, in many ways the standards were much higher for that day. 

It was good to relax on our vacation, but the real purpose of that time was restoration. When the ten days were over, it felt good to get back to work. 

A permanent vacation is not what God intended for our lives. 


There is a reason why I called this blog post “Spiritual Pilates. Every morning, Jim and I took a long walk on the beach. One of the resorts we walked past had an early morning Pilates class on the beach. There were people of all ages and abilities doing the morning routine, and I thought it looked interesting! 

I came home and found several videos I can use at my house. I’m interested in Pilates because I was a little too interested in those coconut shrimp! 

I won’t get in shape simply because I rest. I also need to rest from those coconut shrimp. God had a similar reason when he commanded us to have a Sabbath rest. Our rest is something to be worked at if we want to truly be restored. 


I watched those people of all ages doing the Pilates class on the beach. The music was wonderfully quiet. Their movements were slow and focused. And they could modify the poses for their needs. The point of those exercises was stretching, balance, and strength. 

What would spiritual Pilates look like? 

• What area of your spiritual life needs to be stretched? If you do the same spiritual exercises all of the time, chances are you have stopped growing. Routine spirituality is good unless it has become just a routine.

• Does your life feel balanced? Sometimes work, family, stress, and health issues can throw our lives off. Our lives, this side of heaven, are imperfect. The whole point of Pilates is to counterbalance. When the things of this world pull us off-center, we need more of God in our lives as a spiritual counterbalance. We can’t keep the stuff out of our lives, but we can allow God to keep us in balance and prevent us from falling.

• Finally, all of us have a certain amount of muscle because God has created us to be strong. The same is true spiritually as well. When God gave us his Holy Spirit, he gave us his strength. But, the muscles we don’t use grow weak. No one is strong spiritually unless they consistently use the strength the Holy Spirit wants to provide.

Life is easier when we have strength. When the Pilates class ended, the people were tired—and stronger. If you need spiritual encouragement right now, that might be your answer. Tired isn’t a bad thing if what you are doing is increasing your strength. Stronger is better. 


COVID was hard on everyone and still is for many who haven’t had their vaccine. The hospitals are filling up again, but this time it is the younger adults with COVID. Counselors’ schedules are filled as well. For many in our culture, this past season has been their first spiritual season of living through a crisis. It was the first time their choices were limited and their freedoms were taken away. During an unhealthy season, spiritual health was even more important. In fact, I would say it was the most important counterbalance. 

Every life goes through seasons of change. One day, we will look back with understanding on the many ways God has brought good from the tough times. I think our vacation in Hawaii was made even more joyous because it became a celebration of much more than our marriage. We finally felt safe and were therefore joyful as we traveled, rested, and enjoyed the beauty of God’s world. 

When we go through a tough time or feel spiritually weak, think Pilates. We need to counterbalance. If we feel spiritually weak, we need to rest from the world and focus on God. Stronger is better. 


If you read this blog post, I assume you wake up each day knowing you “live and move and have [your] being” in Christ (Acts 17:28). I can’t write a blog post without using God’s word, so allow me to close with this. 

Jesus was responding to Satan’s temptations when he told the devil, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). Our culture has turned God’s truth inside out. Most are much more concerned with their daily bread, and too many actually disdain the words that have come from God’s mouth. There is a great need to refocus on the laws of God so we can enjoy his blessings. 

Christians should be ready to spiritually train for the days ahead and be stronger. Maybe that is why God allowed a season of COVID. It probably isn’t difficult to know if the tough times led you to focus on the Lord more often or less. So many in our culture need to wake up in the confidence we have in Christ. We need to share “every word that comes from the mouth of God.” 

What “exercise” will strengthen your walk with the Lord? 

With an army of strong believers, we can change the world. It’s happened before. I expect it will happen again. God always has a plan to restore his people to a place of strength. 

Let’s see God’s plan for the days ahead. It will be a spiritual workout. You will be stretched, balanced, and stronger. Spiritual Pilates will probably make you tired, but stronger is better. 

Will you start today?

The best time with God is any time with God: 4 steps to focus your day on him

A note from Janet: One of my great blessings in 2020 was the addition of Trace Kennedy to our ministry team. Trace is the Brand Manager for the JanetDenison.org brand and has been an invaluable asset as we expand the outreach of our ministry. Trace will be guest writing for my blog for a couple of weeks while I am away. I know you will enjoy her thoughts. Thank you, Trace, for everything you do!

All month Janet has been talking about making time for God to replenish your soul. His timing is perfect; it was a convicting reminder for me.

I have to be honest: since I’ve started working full time, my schedule has shifted significantly. I’m much busier than in recent years. As a result, my quiet time has suffered. I study God’s word a lot because it’s part of my job as well as part of my responsibility as a Bible study leader. 

But unencumbered, dedicated time alone with God? 

That has suffered. So has my soul.

What might be keeping you so busy that consistent, wholehearted time with God is suffering? 

You could be a mom committed to making sure your kids know the Bible only to find that you never seem to have time to read it for yourself. 

You may serve as a Bible study leader or Sunday school teacher who devotes hours each week preparing your lessons, but there just doesn’t seem to be enough time to be still and know God. 

You may even work for a ministry, getting paid to serve daily, yet, at the end of the day, you somehow never encountered your Boss.

Time with the Lord is essential to good spiritual health

Just like our bodies need consistent, quality exercise and nutrition to stay healthy, our souls need daily, quality time with the Lord. He created us for relationship with him. John 15:5 says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” 

We aren’t meant to do anything separate from God, but how often do we find ourselves too busy to spend time with him, and then, by default, we do most of our day without him?

Intention doesn’t equal action

A. W. Tozer said, “To desire revival . . . and at the same time to neglect prayer and devotion is to wish one way and walk another.” 

Said another way, while we may have great intentions, if our actions don’t match our intent, we won’t get the results we want. 

For example, simply knowing we need to make better lifestyle choices doesn’t get us in shape. It’s when we create a plan and follow through with it regularly and consistently that we begin to notice the positive changes occurring in our bodies. 

We can’t wish our bodies into shape, just like we can’t wish for our relationship with God to deepen into something meaningful and transformative.

We truly won’t reap the benefits of that relationship until we develop a plan that not only works in our schedules but is also something we can easily execute daily.

Make a plan you can stick to

For the past decade or so, I worked as a personal trainer. Recognizing that lack of time was the greatest excuse people made not to exercise, the fitness industry began exploring the benefits of shorter, more intense workouts. 

In “Why Efficient Workouts are Best,” Ryan Shepperd, MSEd says, “Keeping the time commitment low will help make the workout easily attainable, no matter how busy your schedule may be.”

Just like short blocks of daily exercise can add up to significant strength and health gains, short blocks of time spent with God in worship, prayer, and study can add up to significant spiritual growth and revitalized joy.

Build your plan

I’ve found that the following plan works for me. Feel free to use it as a model for your own plan:

1.  Morning: Simply rest in the presence of God (5–15 minutes)

Come to him with no agenda, no requests, and no expectations other than seeking his face.  Praise him simply for who he is. Then submit your day to him, including your calendar, your family, and your work—anything that consumes your time. 

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord” (Jeremiah 29:13–14).   

2. Midday: Meditate on any Scripture, people, or sin he may have placed on your heart that morning (5–15 minutes)

Seek his forgiveness, pray for that person(s), or study his word. Then again, submit the rest of your day to his will. 

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans” (Proverbs 16:3).

3. Any time you’re waiting: Give thanks, pray, and listen.

On your drive home from work, or as you wait in the carpool line for your kids, or while you’re preparing dinner or taking an afternoon walk, give thanks to him for anything he accomplished through you, pray for those he puts on your heart, tell him about any concerns, struggles, or needs you may have, and then be quiet and listen for his voice. 

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (Philippians 4:6). 

4. Before bed: End your day in gratitude.

Before you go to bed, maybe while brushing your teeth, straightening up the house, or while lying in bed, end your day in gratitude. Thank God for walking through the day with you, respond to anything he may place on your heart, and then go to sleep and rest in his presence.  

“Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs” (Psalm 100:2). 

For me, these four small, intentional blocks of time have added up to significant, transformative time with the Lord each day. The benefits? My days are less stressful, my joy remains consistent, and my desire to spend as much time as possible with God continues to deepen. 

Any time spent with the Creator of the universe will result in good fruit, “for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things” (Psalm 107:9).

For more resources to help you create intentional space for God, please click on the following links: 

Dignity. There’s no getting around it.

When I hear the word dignity, I picture a top hat or pearls, worn by someone who speaks with an English accent drinking tea from a bone china cup, pinkie extended. 

I never thought dignity was a crucial goal because it felt like I would need to pretend to be someone else to achieve it. 

The word dignity has recurred in my mind and life a dozen different times recently so I finally asked God if he was trying to tell me something. 

Let’s just say that the answer was “Yes, absolutely.” 

I googled “What does the Bible say about dignity?”. After reading the Bible verses that came up, I knew I had to write on the subject. We don’t have to look past our television sets to recognize we need more dignity in our culture. 

But the point of this blog post is to help us define the word as God has defined it. 


Merriam-Webster’s defines dignity as “the state of being worthy or honorable; elevation of mind or character; true worth; excellence.” 

That seemed perfectly Christian—until I looked at the passages I had googled. 

Jesus defined Christian dignity saying, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:34–35). 

The apostle John wrote, “But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?” (1 John 3:17). 

Christian dignity is not just about how we behave with others. It is mostly how we behave for the sake of others. 


I wonder how many times we have heard the phrase “unprecedented days” in this past year. As I look back on my fairly long life, I think only 9/11 and this season of COVID seem to fit the word unprecedented. Truthfully, I had grown tired of hearing the overused phrase until I used it with dignity in mind. 

If you are like me, getting the COVID vaccine is a very high priority. The second dose represents renewed freedom to live like we want to live. But, I had to have a lecture with myself (authored by God) before I wrote this blog. 

We are in “unprecedented” days for our spiritual lives too. We need to live these moments with Christian dignity. How difficult will it be to make that choice? 

Christian dignity involves how we behave for the sake of others. We need to live with unprecedented Christian dignity during these days, and I really don’t want to be dignified. 

I genuinely like the world’s standards a little better than God’s right now.


I saw a woman interviewed who had just received the vaccine from one of the large auditorium locations. When a reporter asked why she was able to get the shot, she was nervous about answering. She was obviously not elderly. She looked to be in great shape. She was shifting from one foot to the other and said defensively, “I have underlying conditions.” 

Maybe she did, but maybe she lied and took a vaccine that should have gone to someone else. In that moment, I realized that I kind of wanted to lie if it meant I could get a vaccine sooner. 

Not a very dignified thought for a Christian blog writer! 

Titus wrote, “Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity” (Titus 2:7). We all need to wait for our vaccine, honestly. We need to wait with dignity. We need to put others first. 

I can confess: I don’t want to wait any longer. I want to try to get ahead, pull some strings, get it sooner. But, how would I feel about myself a year from now if I did? 

The choice to live with dignity isn’t about the next few months. This choice is about how we will live the rest of our lives. Will we earn God’s favor or do ourselves a favor? Waiting seems a lot easier with that perspective. God has called us to make the dignified choice. 

I’d rather give up a few months of freedom than live the rest of my life knowing I made a selfish choice. 


I wanted to write this blog post because I probably needed the accountability. 

We know people. We could possibly work it and end up with a shot. I feel embarrassed to admit that. Or, maybe I should say, I feel completely undignified to admit that. 

We are all walking a road that has become an uphill, dusty climb. Keep going! It can’t be good to choose the wrong road just to make life easier. 

Paul wrote to Christians who were living in days much more challenging than our own. He understood things were hard for the people who had chosen Christ as their Savior. They probably weren’t feeling rewarded or lucky in their daily circumstances. 

But, Paul told them (and us) why Christian dignity is always the right choice: “For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die—but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:6–8). 

We need to live with determined dignity or we will be tempted to live apart from Christ’s example. Christ gave everything, and not just for those who would appreciate or accept his sacrifice. Christ lived with dignity, then gave his life away for everyone, even the ungodly. 


I want to sit in a crowded church and sing Easter praise to Jesus for his great sacrifice. 

I want to shop for spring colors in a crowded mall. 

I want everything to be normal and joyful again by Easter. 

But it might not be the Easter I imagine and hope for. I might still be waiting for my vaccine. 

As I close this blog post, there is an Easter celebration I feel called to choose now. Jesus was determined to carry a cross for my sake. I can be determined to walk in his example and wait for a vaccine, with dignity.  If Christian dignity is what Jesus wants for our lives, there is no getting around that calling.  His favor is our reward.

Please, Jesus, help us to be determined to live with dignity. We owe it to ourselves and to others. Mostly, Lord, we owe you that choice. For your highest glory . . . Amen. 

Common-sense Christianity

Patricia Heaton is a Hollywood actress known for her comedy and her Christianity. A friend sent me one of Heaton’s recent tweets, and I thought it summed up the way a lot of us are feeling these days. 

Heaton wrote, “If you are a common sense person, you probably feel like you don’t have a home in this world right now. If you are a Christian, you know you were never meant to.”

Heaton has been living in Hollywood’s culture for some time. Feeling out of sync has come to feel normal to her. A lot of us are new to that path. We grew up during a time when our Christian values were not only accepted but respected. 

Common sense doesn’t seem as common anymore. 


Merriam-Webster defines common sense as “sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts.” 

I looked up the definition because I thought common sense might mean the perception that most people held in common. That’s actually the definition of democratic thinking.  

Patricia Heaton was right when she wrote that “common sense people don’t have a home in this world right now.” Why is that? 

Common sense is “sound and prudent judgment.” Common sense is based on “a simple perception of the situation or facts.” 

When I read the definition, my first thought was this: There is a LOT of Scripture that is not common sense because God’s ways are not common. 

Consider these examples: 

  • “Noah, I need you to build an ark. A really big ark. You build it and I’ll take care of the rest.”
  • “Jonah, tell them to toss you in the sea.”
  • “Moses, I need you to confront Pharaoh and tell him you need to walk off with most of his workforce. Oh, and by the way, you don’t need to worry about the Red Sea.”
  • “Joshua, I want you to gather all the people and cross the Jordan River today. Yes, Joshua, I know the river is at flood stage, but it isn’t a problem.”
  • “Hey everyone, you just need to march around Jericho a few times each day. The fortress walls will simply fall down and then you can take the city. Oh, and remember to save the prostitute and her family.”
  • “Gideon, send most of your soldiers back home. That’s the best way to fight your enemies.”
  • “Mary, you are going to have a baby. And, by the way, Elizabeth is pregnant too.”
  • “Peter, leave your fishing business and family behind because I have a better deal for you.” 
  • “With just a little faith, you can move mountains.”
  • “You can be forgiven of everything.”
  • “You can do all things . . . when I strengthen you.”
  • “You can live eternally in heaven.”


American’s have been raised to value democratic thinking. It was easier when more of the nation shared or valued our biblical point of view. No generation has ever lived perfectly, but some have lived with higher standards. 

Biblically, a family is supposed to include a dad, unless there was a tragedy. A married couple is defined as a husband and wife. The sexual relationship is a blessing for a man and a woman after they commit their lives to each other and to God in a wedding. Children are created to be raised by both parents who want them to thrive physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  

Scripture teaches us to forgive, even when wronged. Scripture teaches to give and not just keep. Scripture teaches to love, even when someone is not loveable. And Scripture teaches us that the God of the universe “so loved the world, that he gave us his son” (John 3:16).  

Living for God has rarely been the democratic choice, but it should be common sense. God’s plan is “prudent judgment based on facts.” 


Pew Research published “20 Striking Findings from 2020.” It was a fascinating and sobering article. I found the following two points thought-provoking and in some ways prophetic.

  1. “Around half of Americans (49%) say the Bible should have a great deal or some influence on the laws of the U.S., including 28% who say it should take precedence when it conflicts with the will of the people.”
  2. “A large majority of US adults (86%) say there is some kind of lesson or set of lessons for mankind to learn from the coronavirus outbreak, and about a third (35%) say these lessons were sent by God.”

What should be our commonsense perception about the statistics above? 

The facts tell us that people who believe God is in control of our world and should be in control of our choices make up about one-fourth of our population. 

Is common sense less common than you thought? 


Patricia Heaton was right: God’s people have never felt at home in the world. We weren’t supposed to feel like the earth is our home. 

Jesus said, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). 

He also said, “In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?” (John 14:2). 

Common sense and the Bible both indicate Christians won’t have much in common with the world.  

When the Holy Spirit entered our lives, we became uncommon people with common sense. Through the Holy Spirit, we have all things in common.  

There is a great need in our culture today for joy, encouragement, and trust. Our job is to help people gain a commonsense perspective on the events in our news. 

But, that perspective belongs to the people who have “sound and prudent judgment” or, biblically, “the mind of Christ.” 


The Apostle Paul wrote, “For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16). God knew we would never think like him, so, through his Holy Spirit, he gave us the common sense we have in common.  

As Patricia Heaton said, “If you are a common sense person, you probably feel like you don’t have a home in this world right now. If you are a Christian, you know you were never meant to.”  

One day, we will be sitting on the wraparound porches of our heavenly mansions, viewing the vast expanse of heaven’s beauty. Common sense tells us to define home as God defines it. 

Aren’t you glad we have eternity in common?  

Commonsense Christianity is being filled with the “sound and prudent judgment” of God’s Holy Spirit. 

Let’s spend the week having a LOT in common with him.