Frasier Crane and King Solomon

I was up too early one morning and happened to tune into an episode of Frasier. I didn’t watch the show very often when it originally aired, even though it was incredibly popular and won more than thirty Emmy awards. It was a spin-off of the Cheers show, which I didn’t watch either. I was busy with babies and toddlers during the Cheers seasons and racing around with school-age kids during the Frasier years. To be honest, those were not shows that I wanted influencing the young minds I was called to raise.  

The Hallmark Channel runs those shows now during the wee hours of the morning, and that’s why an early morning episode caught my attention. There’s a reason Frasier won so many awards. The dialogue is clever and often thought-provoking. The scripts are well written, and the character’s parts are performed with perfection. The show is definitely about the world, from a worldly perspective. 

The episode that caught my attention that morning was titled “Frasier’s Edge,” and it was from the show’s eighth season. Dr. Frasier Crane finds out he will be awarded a “Lifetime Achievement Award” and experiences a midlife crisis as a result. The show ends with Frasier showing up at the last minute to accept his award and saying to the crowd, “I just don’t know what I will do with the rest of my life now.” It was a somber and thought-filled moment in an otherwise funny sitcom. The show ends with Frasier leaving the stage and everyone present just watching him walk away. 

As I sat in the dark thinking about that episode, my thoughts went instantly to King Solomon. I was surprised to realize that Frasier and King Solomon had quite a bit in common! 

Frasier and King Solomon comparisons

  • Both were wealthy men with a privileged life.
  • Both had more than one wife and an unsettled family situation.
  • Both were highly intelligent, ambitious, hardworking, and well-spoken.
  • Both were always searching for the next great thing to understand or acquire.

The reason I liked this particular episode is that Frasier can’t understand why he isn’t more excited to receive his Lifetime Achievement Award, so he goes to see his mentor in the field of psychiatry for some answers. His mentor leads Frasier to see and understand some truths about himself he didn’t realize. Frasier, looking back on all the reasons he is getting this award, isn’t impressed with the truth of his life’s achievements. 

King Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes at the end of his life. His mentor was God, his Creator. It isn’t uncommon for people to read the first chapter of Ecclesiastes and decide, “I believe I will come back to this some other time.” I am a huge fan of this book because it contains wisdom that applies to every human being, regardless of their age, culture, generation, and season of life.  

Biblical wisdom is profound because it is wisdom that inspired believers in the Old Testament, was quoted by the teachers of the New Testament, and was studied by theologians like Martin Luther and John Calvin. That same biblical wisdom has been preached and taught by people like Billy Graham, his daughter Anne Lotz, Stuart and Jill Briscoe, and generations of believers, past and present. The Bible is inspiration to everyone, even a blogger/teacher like me. The words of Ecclesiastes have been true throughout history and will always be truth for people of faith. 

Frasier and King Solomon learned the same lesson 

Frasier had reached a place in his life where he was chosen to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award. He was a popular radio show host who provided valuable information to those who listened. But the award prompted Frasier to consider whether or not that should be thought of as high achievement. Frasier was dissatisfied with his conclusions and sought out his mentor for advice. 

King Solomon wrote, “I the preacher have been king over Israel in Jerusalem. And I applied my heart to seek and to search out by wisdom all that is done under heaven. It is an unhappy business that God has given to the children of man to be busy with. I have seen everything that is done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a striving after wind” (Ecclesiastes 1:12–14). 

Both Frasier Crane’s and King Solomon’s achievements were highly esteemed in this world by others, but when they considered their own lives, they realized their achievements were only a “striving after wind.” 

King Solomon’s advice for Frasier Crane 

Frasier’s mentor had some good words to share with him, but those words only made Frasier feel worse about his award. Dr. Crane would have benefitted a great deal if his mentor had taught him King Solomon’s advice. 

Ecclesiastes 12 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. Sometimes when life tilts my priorities, I run back to King Solomon as my “mentor.” As a young king, Solomon had asked God for wisdom and God granted his request. Solomon achieved more than almost anyone who has ever lived. Some estimate King Solomon’s net worth today would be about 200 billion dollars. But, at the end of his life, King Solomon realized that all he had achieved was only a “chasing of the wind.” 

Solomon concluded the book of Ecclesiastes with advice born of wisdom, experience, and the Spirit of God. His words would have been perfect advice for Frasier Crane, and they remain perfect advice for every human, regardless of their generation or circumstances. Solomon likely wrote these wise words about himself, the preacher, or the teacher

Besides being wise, the Preacher also taught the people knowledge, weighing and studying and arranging many proverbs with great care. The Preacher sought to find words of delight, and uprightly he wrote words of truth. The words of the wise are like goads, and like nails firmly fixed are the collected sayings; they are given by one Shepherd. My son, beware of anything beyond these. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh. The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil” (Ecclesiastes 12:914). 

If it matters eternally, it matters most

I’ve been a student and teacher of God’s word for a long time now. King Solomon’s words are a lesson for every child of God to know and share with others. A believer’s “Lifetime Achievement Award” will be the eternal reward bestowed on us in heaven. I often say, “If it won’t matter eternally, it shouldn’t matter very much now.” Those words are easier to say than they are to live. 

It is surprising to realize the many things we value on earth will have no value in heaven. I think it was Ruth Graham who described gold as just pavement in heaven.  

The key to happiness and satisfaction may very well be in adopting King Solomon’s wisdom as our daily perspective. If we live in awe of God and obey his commands, we will have accomplished our whole duty as a human being.  

Our treasure in heaven is the only achievement goal for this lifetime because it is the only goal that will matter eternally. Frasier accepted a trophy to put on a shelf. We will accept a crown to lay at the feet of Jesus. 

How will that ambition make a difference today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your lifetime?