Commonsense Christianity

Patricia Heaton is a Hollywood actress known for her comedy and her Christianity. A friend sent me one of Heaton’s recent tweets, and I thought it summed up the way a lot of us are feeling these days. 

Heaton wrote, “If you are a common sense person, you probably feel like you don’t have a home in this world right now. If you are a Christian, you know you were never meant to.”

Heaton has been living in Hollywood’s culture for some time. Feeling out of sync has come to feel normal to her. A lot of us are new to that path. We grew up during a time when our Christian values were not only accepted but respected. 

Common sense doesn’t seem as common anymore. 


Merriam-Webster defines common sense as “sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts.” 

I looked up the definition because I thought common sense might mean the perception that most people held in common. That’s actually the definition of democratic thinking.  

Patricia Heaton was right when she wrote that “common sense people don’t have a home in this world right now.” Why is that? 

Common sense is “sound and prudent judgment.” Common sense is based on “a simple perception of the situation or facts.” 

When I read the definition, my first thought was this: There is a LOT of Scripture that is not common sense because God’s ways are not common. 

Consider these examples: 

  • “Noah, I need you to build an ark. A really big ark. You build it and I’ll take care of the rest.”
  • “Jonah, tell them to toss you in the sea.”
  • “Moses, I need you to confront Pharaoh and tell him you need to walk off with most of his workforce. Oh, and by the way, you don’t need to worry about the Red Sea.”
  • “Joshua, I want you to gather all the people and cross the Jordan River today. Yes, Joshua, I know the river is at flood stage, but it isn’t a problem.”
  • “Hey everyone, you just need to march around Jericho a few times each day. The fortress walls will simply fall down and then you can take the city. Oh, and remember to save the prostitute and her family.”
  • “Gideon, send most of your soldiers back home. That’s the best way to fight your enemies.”
  • “Mary, you are going to have a baby. And, by the way, Elizabeth is pregnant too.”
  • “Peter, leave your fishing business and family behind because I have a better deal for you.” 
  • “With just a little faith, you can move mountains.”
  • “You can be forgiven of everything.”
  • “You can do all things . . . when I strengthen you.”
  • “You can live eternally in heaven.”


American’s have been raised to value democratic thinking. It was easier when more of the nation shared or valued our biblical point of view. No generation has ever lived perfectly, but some have lived with higher standards. 

Biblically, a family is supposed to include a dad, unless there was a tragedy. A married couple is defined as a husband and wife. The sexual relationship is a blessing for a man and a woman after they commit their lives to each other and to God in a wedding. Children are created to be raised by both parents who want them to thrive physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  

Scripture teaches us to forgive, even when wronged. Scripture teaches to give and not just keep. Scripture teaches to love, even when someone is not loveable. And Scripture teaches us that the God of the universe “so loved the world, that he gave us his son” (John 3:16).  

Living for God has rarely been the democratic choice, but it should be common sense. God’s plan is “prudent judgment based on facts.” 


Pew Research published “20 Striking Findings from 2020.” It was a fascinating and sobering article. I found the following two points thought-provoking and in some ways prophetic.

  1. “Around half of Americans (49%) say the Bible should have a great deal or some influence on the laws of the U.S., including 28% who say it should take precedence when it conflicts with the will of the people.”
  2. “A large majority of US adults (86%) say there is some kind of lesson or set of lessons for mankind to learn from the coronavirus outbreak, and about a third (35%) say these lessons were sent by God.”

What should be our commonsense perception about the statistics above? 

The facts tell us that people who believe God is in control of our world and should be in control of our choices make up about one-fourth of our population. 

Is common sense less common than you thought? 


Patricia Heaton was right: God’s people have never felt at home in the world. We weren’t supposed to feel like the earth is our home. 

Jesus said, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). 

He also said, “In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?” (John 14:2). 

Common sense and the Bible both indicate Christians won’t have much in common with the world.  

When the Holy Spirit entered our lives, we became uncommon people with common sense. Through the Holy Spirit, we have all things in common.  

There is a great need in our culture today for joy, encouragement, and trust. Our job is to help people gain a commonsense perspective on the events in our news. 

But, that perspective belongs to the people who have “sound and prudent judgment” or, biblically, “the mind of Christ.” 


The Apostle Paul wrote, “For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16). God knew we would never think like him, so, through his Holy Spirit, he gave us the common sense we have in common.  

As Patricia Heaton said, “If you are a common sense person, you probably feel like you don’t have a home in this world right now. If you are a Christian, you know you were never meant to.”  

One day, we will be sitting on the wraparound porches of our heavenly mansions, viewing the vast expanse of heaven’s beauty. Common sense tells us to define home as God defines it. 

Aren’t you glad we have eternity in common?  

Commonsense Christianity is being filled with the “sound and prudent judgment” of God’s Holy Spirit. 

Let’s spend the week having a LOT in common with him. 

A good chariot race

If I had lived in the first century, I would have bought tickets to the chariot races. 

I love the football playoffs, basketball games, and, if I could ever learn to follow the puck, I would probably like ice hockey. I enjoy a fast-moving contest.

A lot of Christians felt like we had chosen the right horse and chariot last year. 

What do we do when our pick has tipped over and the race is lost? 

Everyone in our country has lessons to be learned. 

What are ours?


We have been invited to a lot of Dallas Cowboys games over the years and always enjoy the opportunity to be in the crowd. Jerry World is a good time, especially if the Cowboys win. (Let’s just say it wasn’t a great time last year for more reasons than COVID.) 

Winning is what Cowboys fans were historically used to. We cheered the character of the team as well as the talent. Lately, we’ve grown accustomed to losing. We don’t like it, but it is probably a good thing. The Cowboys will remain a mediocre team until things change at an organizational level. 

That is a decent parable for our culture as well. 

This past year, we were shut in our homes with too much television and not enough Christian community. 

The worst moment I experienced last week occurred as I watched a man charge the United States Capitol carrying a flag with the name of Jesus. In my opinion, he was literally taking the name of the Lord in vain. He was slandering the name and cause of Christ. 

The Christian cause isn’t about winning or losing politically. It is about winning or losing people eternally. 

If people can’t appreciate our abilities and character, Christians have become a mediocre team.


I love watching the Kentucky Derby. Most of the people who attend the race don’t live in Kentucky and therefore spend a lot of time, money, and effort to attend the race. The time slot for the telecast is hours long. We observe ladies’ hats as well as the beautiful horses. We learn about the jockeys and the owners, and finally the crowd sings the famous Kentucky song. 

But, if a viewer mistimes a trip to the bathroom, he or she can miss the whole thing. The actual race only takes about two minutes

It is staggering to consider the enormous quantities of time, money, and effort spent on last year’s politics. I don’t believe Christians, regardless of which side you voted for, should think they got their money’s worth. 

Could it be we spent more effort than we should have for a two-minute race?  

People are already discussing the next election season. Many are going to great efforts for a race that may never be run. The Kentucky Derby requires years of work just to have a horse that might enter and win. Which races in life deserve our greatest efforts?


Whom did God want to win? 

That’s an easy answer. Himself.  

It’s safe to say that God wants his plans to succeed, not ours. It is a biblical promise that God’s plans will always succeed. After all, he is a sovereign God and we are the pasture of horses. (And horses is a compliment. I could have said sheep.)  

God wants us to view things from his perspective, not the culture’s.  

Throughout biblical history, we see God using some leaders and judging others. 

A lot of Christians are wondering which leaders we can trust.


Our country has never elected a perfect president, and we never will. They are just human beings with fallen natures. Some seem more capable, more powerful, or more astute, but, in the end, no one has ever had a perfect presidency.  

It is time for the people of God to join together to pray for all of our leaders, especially when they are horsey

One of the most powerful people in the early church began his career as a violent terrorist. (I’m speaking of the apostle Paul.) 

It would be a privilege to vote for a person who enters politics after having a genuine Damascus Road experience. It would be easy to trust the person who understands biblical leadership. A strong leader doesn’t try to reign; he yields to the reins.   

Psalm 20 is a psalm of King David, written as encouragement and instruction. The people used this psalm to worship and pray for the king before a battle. The words teach us how to pray for the people who lead our country. 

King David was known for his great ability in war. His strategy with Goliath was just one of his successful battles. You might say King David was a horse everyone would choose to bet on. 

But the psalm is a good reminder of what God wants us to understand about any earthly king. The One holding the reins wins the race, not the horse. Bet on the jockey, not the horse. 

Psalm 20 reminds the people: 

  • God is our protection and help (vv. 1–2).
  • Our highest effort should be obedience to God (v. 3).
  • May our greatest desire be the fulfillment of God’s plan (vv. 4–5).
  • The Lord blesses and saves his anointed (v. 6).

The psalm continues with a reminder to the people: they have the responsibility and the priority of trusting and yielding to God. 

Psalm 20:7–9 says, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. They collapse and fall, but we rise and stand upright. O Lord, save the king! May he answer us when we call.” 


Have we expected laws to do what God has entrusted his people to accomplish? 

Have we asked politicians and legislation to do our job

Have we trusted chariots and horses instead of the one at the reins? 

God didn’t just teach us to vote our values. He gave everyone who received his Holy Spirit the job of living those values as our witness.  

Our culture won’t change simply because we can elect godly people or enact laws consistent with God’s word. The entire Bible serves as our illustration. God’s perfect rules and laws only worked when people chose to obey them. Human beings are horses and often buck the system. 

Will we live like we trust in the name of the Lord our God? 

This life is a two-minute race. 

We will vote for horses, but we trust the One who holds their reins. 

How do we win? 

Trust the jockey, not the horse.