A Daily Appointment with God

When we were making appointments to look for a new home in Tyler, Texas, I spent a lot of time on Realtor.com. I’ve always enjoyed stopping by an open house or walking through a new home build. I usually enter the HGTV sweepstakes hoping to win their latest home giveaway. I just enjoy most things “real estate.” 

I made appointments to “see” several homes in Tyler over a period of several months. The homes were nice and in good neighborhoods, and I tried to talk myself into buying one. I just never walked through those homes and thought I was “home ” until we walked into the home we ended up buying.

Many years ago, I started praying a prayer that I have continued to use when we needed to make a move. As I walk up to the front door, I ask the Lord to “Tell me when I’m home.” I needed God’s answer for our new home in Tyler so much. There was a lot to think about with this move.

When the “no’s” became “yes”

We moved to Tyler when I knew my mom needed a better place to care for her needs. Jim and I had planned to retire to a quiet spot, and searching for a good place for Mom also became searching for a good place for Jim and me to “grow old” peacefully. We gave our needs to God, allowed Mom’s needs to matter too, and then God changed all our ideas into his. 

I write about 356 Christianity because Proverbs 3:5–6 is truth we have lived. God doesn’t lead our lives until we “trust” in him with all of our hearts. That means we cannot lean on our own understanding. We have to give him “all of our ways,” and then “he can direct our path.”

Every home I toured on Realtor.com was a possibility. Over the months of searching, I chose about ten homes I thought looked like a good possibility, and we went to see them. Each time we toured those homes, I tried to make them work. But when I asked God, “Am I home?” he didn’t seem to answer.

Then the quiet “no’s” became a “yes.”

A room with a view

I looked at one home online almost every day. This house enthralled me, and I could visualize all its possibilities. But my practical brain wouldn’t consider it. It was too large and extravagant, and it felt irresponsible for me to consider it. 

The only reason I set up a tour of that home was because I could not get it out of my head. As we walked up the steps to the front door, I prayed and asked the Lord to speak what I needed to hear, fully expecting him to say “no.” We walked in the front door, and our eyes traveled through the house to the wall of windows in the back. My heart sank. I wanted to live there. That “want” increased with every new room I entered. 

Every home I had toured was lovely, and I should have wanted each of them, but I didn’t. I walked into the big, extravagant house and I did want it. After that, I spent another few months not looking any longer. I was sure I just needed someone else to buy that house I wanted, and then I would get over it. Months passed, and I still peeked sometimes at Realtor.com. The house, my house, remained on the market.

God saved our home for us. Months later, I returned to see that home again, and God said, “You’re home.” I found a perfect spot for my mom. We made all kinds of life and ministry adjustments to live in Tyler. I cannot tell you how many details had to fall into place that did. 

God made all things possible, and we moved into our new home one really warm day in May. Jim and I are often reminded of Paul’s words to the Ephesians when he spoke of being rooted and grounded in God’s love and strengthened to do ministry. Paul wrote words of praise, saying, “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen” (Ephesians 3:20–21)

Now, every morning of these winter months, Jim and I sit in that room, looking out our “wall of windows,” and we witness the most glorious sunrises you have ever seen. Almost two years later, I’m still amazed by the realization that God is able to bless far more abundantly than we would ask or think. Every morning, Jim and I give God glory for our blessings.

That said, our “material blessings” have been a great gift, but our spiritual blessings matter even more.

Our 7:00 a.m. appointment with God

Jim and I sit together on our sofa almost every winter morning and watch the sunrise. We feel disappointed when, on occasion, we have to miss it. Every morning, we look out that wall of windows and watch God “show off.” Nothing is as spectacular in this world as all that God has created.

Jim and I can remember the early weeks of our marriage when we didn’t know if we had the money to get the gas he needed to drive to his seminary classes in Fort Worth. For most of our adult lives, I was very, very careful with every dollar we had so that we had enough to live our lives. (Right now, my friends are grinning. I have a bit of a reputation for being too frugal or, as some say, downright cheap!) 

I only write that because you can imagine what I felt when I stood at the front door of our house and heard God say, “You’re home.” I did NOT believe him for several months! Thankfully, we serve a patient God who puts up with our stubborn, doubting selves. Sometimes God wants to bless us “far more abundantly” than we would even “ask or think,” and certainly more than we could ever deserve.

I now lead a Bible study in our home and enjoy a wonderful group of women each Tuesday morning as we gather to learn more about our Lord. I enjoy hosting my family and hearing my grandchildren race through the house or run out to the pool. Every day, I watch my husband walk back to his new office, which is located in a small home in our backyard! I often tell people that I think I have spent more time with Jim in the past two years than in the first forty-two years of our marriage combined! God is SO GOOD, and he has given us more than we would have asked for or imagined.

We keep our 7:00 a.m. appointment with God together to worship, talk, and praise God with gratitude for leading and blessing our lives as he has. We know we are blessed, and we are grateful.

This morning’s appointment with God

I said this before and will say it forever: “God speaks” if we pray Samuel’s prayer from 1 Samuel 3:10. That prayer: “Speak Lord for your servant is listening.” God speaks to servants who will listen. And chances are, you might be surprised at what God will tell you.

God told me to move to Houston, Texas, when I LOVED my life, friends, and one special man in California. God told me to go to Houston Baptist University even though I wasn’t Baptist, and truthfully, LOVED to dance every chance I got. Then God led me to date and eventually marry a man who would be a Baptist preacher and didn’t ever dance. God has led my life in unusual ways, and every chance I get myself out of the way, I trust him to be my Lord. My life hasn’t been perfect, but it is more than I would ever have “asked or imagined” as a result. 

As I watched the spectacular sunrise outside my wall of windows this morning, God told me to ask my readers these questions for today’s blog post: 

  • Are you a Proverbs 3:5–6 Christian? 
  • Do you ask God to speak because you are a servant who will listen? 
  • Do you have an appointment with God each day to praise him for his abundant blessings, pray for your needs, and worship the God who creates and brings about every sunrise and sunset?

If so, then join me in singing, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow! If not, what will you do tomorrow?