Time For A Break

Time For A Break

Paul told the Galatians, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (6:9). I’m not giving up—but I am taking a break! I’ve written a Bible study for next year. I just finished the Advent book...
God’s Definition of Great

God’s Definition of Great

A lot of Christians are walking around worried and disheartened these days, but truthfully, that isn’t a great witness for our Lord! I do believe we are living in an era that most closely resembles the time of the prophets in Scripture. I have been that worried...
Why Does God Ask The Impossible?

Why Does God Ask The Impossible?

Do not fear. Love your neighbor as you do yourself. Do not gossip or slander. Love God with all your heart. Forgive like you have been forgiven. Do good to those who hate you. Don’t judge. Don’t be greedy. Don’t worry about your life. Pray and give,...
Hope Is Like Honey

Hope Is Like Honey

Sometimes I reach for the remote and change the channel. I don’t want to ignore the news; I probably watch more than I should. But sometimes I need to turn off the television and turn to God. The past two weeks have been hard to comprehend. I needed a word of...
A Holy Harmony

A Holy Harmony

Recent events in Dallas have been a reminder that prejudice is a very real part of the human existence. I was trying to remember a culture or nation in Scripture that lived in harmony with the rest of the world and finally decided that such a nation didn’t...
Debunking Our Doubts

Debunking Our Doubts

Peter hopped out of the boat and walked on the water towards Jesus. But the waves were high and it was dark in those predawn hours. Peter looked around and started to sink. “Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, “O you...