You Might Be a Christian If . . . .
Jeff Foxworthy’s fame increased when he wrote jokes that began with “You might be a redneck if . . . .”
By the way, my favorite was, “You might be a redneck if you ever made change from the offering plate.”
I actually saw that happen one time!
So, on this hot Texas blogging day, this is where my thoughts took me. Who knows? Maybe these will make me famous—or not.
You Might Be a Christian If:
- You understood, and can quote, Tim Tebow’s famous eye-black inscription.
- You ate at Chick-fil-A at least one time last week.
- Your home looks like a Hobby Lobby ad.
- You accidentally said “amen” after reciting the Pledge of Allegiance one time.
- You stubbed your toe and said “Rats,” even if something else came to mind first.
- You were content to sit in traffic last Sunday morning.
- You switch the channel or mute the TV for most commercials.
- You sometimes use the word fellowship in a sentence.
- Your dog is named after someone in the Bible.
- You often switch from the news to the Hallmark Channel.
- You can sing Chris Tomlin’s version of “Amazing Grace.”
- You saw the movie that song is from.
- You have studied Experiencing God at least once.
- You know that Hezekiah is not a book of the Bible.
- You thought Tim Tebow was the best quarterback.
- You have at least one casserole carrier or bowl you use for “potlucks.”
- You wistfully pictured a potluck after reading that last comment.
- You know how to find the Book of Psalms in one easy step. (Just divide your Bible in half.)
- You know what a 501(c)(3) is.
- You were excited to learn that Chick-fil-A is adding macaroni and cheese to its menu.
- You wondered how many of those mac and cheeses you’ll need to fill that potluck casserole.
- You actually pray when you see the prayer list.
- You feel increasingly out of touch with popular values.
- You are made to feel unkind but know you aren’t.
- You vote your conscience rather than your opinions.
- You don’t just read Scripture, you experience the words.
I could probably write dozens more, but you get the picture.
You were created for good works.
Our preachers (and this blogger) often quote Paul saying, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).
I hope reading those comments made you smile, but I also hope they help you realize that you are living as “God’s workmanship” in our culture.
All of the “little things” add up to this one thing: We were created in Christ Jesus to do good works in our world. We probably accomplish a lot of those good works just because we are the person Jesus has created us to become.
You know you are a Christian.
So, head out into the heat of this day with a smile on your face.
Enjoy finding something special at Hobby Lobby to brighten your home or buy the new mac and cheese at Chick-fil-A. (Let me know how many you think it will take for my 8×12 Pyrex dish!)
Filter some of the values in those Hallmark movies, but enjoy the fact they are mostly decent.
Pray for the news, then turn the channel, knowing that God is still on his throne and nothing will ever change that fact. Because “if you know you are a Christian,” you know what the future holds in store for those who love the Lord.
Be glad today that the Lord saved your soul, authors your sense of humor, and wants to bless and enrich your life with his joy. “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24).
If you want to read the whole psalm, I bet you know how to find it quickly! (Just divide your Bible in half.)
Have a great week.