Even Rated R, “Unplanned” is a must-see movie

Even Rated R, “Unplanned” is a must-see movie

Why would I recommend that you and your sixth graders see Unplanned, an R-rated movie? I have to admit, this is a first. But, I think anyone who is twelve years old or older should go see Unplanned. The movie opens this weekend. And it will change the way you think...
An important message from Joyce Meyer and King Solomon

An important message from Joyce Meyer and King Solomon

It might seem strange to mention Joyce Meyer and King Solomon in the same sentence, but keep reading. Both people came to similar conclusions in their later years about the subject of prosperity. All of us can benefit from their words. Recently, Joyce Meyer announced...
The Best Way to End Arguments

The Best Way to End Arguments

The older I get, the more valuable time seems. And I don’t want to spend a lot of time debating people who aren’t looking for an answer as much as an argument. My husband, Jim, was preaching from Luke 5 when the idea for this blog post was born. In that passage,...
Who is Kermit Gosnell?

Who is Kermit Gosnell?

A note from Janet: This isn’t a typical blog post this week—it will be difficult to read. But I felt a strong conviction to write this. I hope you will read this prayerfully, with understanding. Who is Kermit Gosnell, and why doesn’t everyone know that answer? There...
Our Greatest Freedom

Our Greatest Freedom

It’s great to have a day to celebrate the freedom we are privileged to enjoy. The American flag is a reminder of our history, our promise for today, and represents our hope for the next generations. I’m glad for a day that encourages me to be humbly grateful that,...