Fortune Cookie Faith

Fortune Cookie Faith

I had finished my egg roll, egg drop soup, and cashew chicken. I poured myself another cup of hot Jasmine tea and opened my fortune cookie. Who knew a blog post would follow? The little piece of paper hidden inside my cookie held an interesting message. Fortunes...
God goes ahead and asks us to follow

God goes ahead and asks us to follow

It was the summer of 1984 and I had just finished my first year of teaching second grade. My husband was a student at the seminary and worked part-time as a typesetter. We lived carefully each month in order to pay bills and make ends meet. I decided I would work a...
When you need a change, God is able

When you need a change, God is able

Why do we continue to repeat the same sins we were sure we had “fixed” with the last prayer commitment to God?  I’ve grown in my faith over the years and know the Lord better now than I did at my salvation. The Lord is in the business of sanctification, making holy,...
You’ve Been Upcycled

You’ve Been Upcycled

Football season has come to a close and, chances are, you have a little more free time on Sunday afternoons. Next Sunday, you should check out a show called Flea Market Flip. People compete by shopping for things at a flea market and then upcycling those items into a...