Twenty years of change

How can it be true?

Twenty years ago, I was having my second cup of coffee after having dropped my boys off at school when the taped hour of Good Morning America went live. Charlie Gibson and Diane Sawyer were reporting what they knew, which wasn’t much at that time. 

A plane had flown into one of the Twin Towers. 

As they were talking, all of us watched and were horrified as the second plane hit. 

That was the moment I knew something was really, really wrong.

I rushed to the phone and called Jim’s direct line at the church, telling him to turn the television on. 

Truthfully, the rest of that day seems like a blur. I wanted to rush to the school and get the boys, but I knew that wasn’t logical. I did go to the bank and the grocery store to stock up. That wasn’t logical either, but it gave me something productive to do—just in case. 

Those moments were twenty years ago, but the memories remain powerful.

Twenty years of change

What has changed in your life in the past twenty years? Does it even seem possible that 9/11 was twenty years ago? 

A lot has changed since that time: 

  • My boys grew up, got married, and had children of their own.
  • I’ve grown used to the TSA lines at the airport and watching a stranger go through my suitcase.
  • I don’t watch Good Morning America very often anymore.
  • I don’t wonder if terrorists will try again; I wonder if we will catch them.
  • I have four grandchildren who deserve a wonderful nation to grow up in.
  • We have a ministry that reaches millions of people with the word of God.
  • And God is still reigning in heaven from his throne of mercy and judgment.

How can it have been twenty years since that fearful day? 

Two decades of changes, but also two decades of lessons learned. 

All of us have learned to take our shoes off and put them in a bin at the airport. All of us have learned to pack our liquids in small bottles. All of us have learned to question our political leadership.  

Hopefully, we have learned a lot spiritually as well. 

We have learned we need God

Twenty years ago, I watched as the second plane hit the tower and knew we were under attack. 

I started praying after I called Jim, asking the Lord to stop whatever was happening. I knew only God could stop it. 

Later, I heard the news about the downed plane in Pennsylvania. That plane never reached its target, and I saw that as a tragic answer to my prayer. A lot of us had prayed the same prayer that day and it was a Christian man, Todd Beamer, who led a group on his plane to attack the cockpit. They stopped the plane from reaching Washington, D.C. We needed God to work, and it is no surprise that it was a child of God who “listened” and obeyed. God often answers prayers through those who listen to his Spirit. 

Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” 

I wonder what need God wants his people to pray those 9/11 kind of prayers for today? 

We need God to work today, just as much as we needed him twenty years ago. 

We have learned that others will blame God

One of the most troubling changes we have seen in the past twenty years is the attitude of many in our nation toward the Lord, his church, and his word. Some people openly blamed the Christian faith for what happened on 9/11. Many more quietly blamed the “religions” of both sides for the animosity and acts of war. 

After twenty years of spoken (and unspoken) blame, the church has grown quietly un-evangelistic in her programs. One of my favorite quotes is from Archbishop William Temple. He served the church in the first half of the twentieth century and is quoted as saying, “The church is the only organization that does not exist for itself, but for those who live outside of it.” One hundred years later, would we still say that is true of our churches? 

Are Christians naïve to believe that “things” are going to change and the world is going to, once again, value the role our faith has played in the life of America? 

It is biblical to believe that “with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). It is also biblical truth that God disciplines and judges the sins of the world. What should we be praying for like we prayed on 9/11? 

Our nation is still under attack. Our greatest enemy is unseen. 

Peter told the church, “But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15). 

People will continue to blame religion for what is wrong in the world. It’s the job of every Christian to glorify God for all that is right. If we will take the time to “be prepared” and use every opportunity to share the “hope” that we have with “gentleness and respect,” we will change the culture one conversation at a time.  

If we can’t change the culture, we will at least change some lives. Others will be given the chance to live eternally when Christians choose to live with God’s priorities. 

Is there a more important goal for the next twenty years?

We have learned that God is still God

God told the prophet Malachi, “For I the Lᴏʀᴅ do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed” (Malachi 3:6). 

Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” 

And, it is still true that “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change” (James 1:17). 

God is still God. God’s word is still truth. God’s people are still promised heaven. Jesus is still “the way, and the truth, and the life” (John 14:6).  

The world will continually change, but the Creator of this world does not.

Twenty years from now

The past twenty years have flown by and we have all seen many changes. I find great comfort in knowing that the faith that carried me through 9/11/01 is still the faith that carries me on 9/11/21. And, if I’m not in heaven yet, it will be the faith I celebrate twenty years from now, on 9/11/41. 

We will hear a lot this week about the passage of time and twenty years of change. I wanted to write a blog post that reminded all of us of the timeless, eternal character of God.  

People need to hear that message this week. Remember Peter’s words, which are as true today as when he wrote them. Let’s “be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks” and let’s share the reason “for the hope” that is in us with “gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15).  

If that is what you and I do for the next twenty years, there will be a lot more people who will know our Lord. Is there anything more important to pray “with confidence” about today?

Where were you that day?

I dropped my sons off at school and was back home, cleaning my kitchen. I chose to watch Good Morning America for some company but quickly noticed something big had happened. 

I walked over to the back of the sofa with a dish towel in my hands so I could see the television better. The show had switched to a live broadcast, and the two commentators were trying their best to fill the airtime with conversation. 

No one understood yet what the fire meant. 

About that time, I saw the airplane fly into the second tower, and I knew we were in trouble. 

I ran to the phone, called Jim at the church, and told him to turn the television on.

Another plane crashed into the Pentagon and then another, near Philadelphia. 

What did you do that morning? 

I tried to call my folks and then remembered that my parents were in Philadelphia that day, on vacation. They didn’t own a cell phone, and I didn’t know where they were staying. I felt sure they would be fine, but I couldn’t be certain. 

I wondered when my boys would hear the news. I remember wanting to drive up to the school and bring them home. I also remember telling myself that would be the wrong thing to do—so I stayed home, glued to the television, wishing the school would call. 

I watched the news for the next couple of hours until I couldn’t watch any longer. 

I didn’t know what else to do. I just knew I needed something else to do. So, I filled my car up with gas. I went to the bank and withdrew some cash. I went to Sams and bought plenty of canned protein, fruit, and water. I remember the hushed lines, the worried looks, and the uncertainty of those hours. 

Doing those things didn’t alleviate my fears, but they refocused my thoughts for a little while. 

What were you most afraid of? 

9/11 was a day of uncertainty. There were a lot of reasons to feel afraid, angry, concerned, powerless, and deeply sad. 

But, the strongest memory I have of 9/11 was my first and greatest fear of the day. 

I watched the plane fly into the second tower and was overwhelmed with the thought that I had two teenage sons and our country might be at war. I didn’t know what the news that day would mean to our family in the future. 

There were other thoughts, but none more consuming than that one. 

What did you pray for? 

I stood behind my sofa, wringing the dish towel in my hands and begging God to stop our enemies. I prayed for God to protect us and give wisdom to our leaders. And I pled with God to protect my family. 

As the days moved forward, I prayed hundreds of prayers. But, I don’t think any of those prayers were offered with the same intensity of those first moments. 

I begged God for his divine protection on 9/11. I was truly afraid for the future. 

What did you learn? 

God never stops teaching us. God never stops caring. God is always in control and at work remodeling the moments of this life for his greater good. 

But, God takes his time. 

We all wanted answers, but sometimes there was only information. 

We all wanted peace, but all these years later, we are still at war. 

We all wanted miracles, be we didn’t get all the miracles we wanted. 

We all wanted the Bible verses to comfort, but sometimes reading those verses disappointed instead. 

Did you wonder what God was doing on 9/11? 

I learned something about God during those days, weeks, and months of uncertainty. That lesson has been one of the most valuable spiritual lessons of my life. I struggled to trust a verse, so I learned to pray it instead. 

Those prayer times with God gave me comfort. Knowing the verse was only the first step. It was praying the verse that made the difference. That lesson has changed and strengthened my spiritual life more than I can say, mostly because it was a lesson I thought I already knew. 

Truthfully, I didn’t really learn it until I lived it. 

My life verse for fear 

If you have read my blog for a while, you know I sometimes refer to a “life verse.” Most of the time, I call it a life verse because it changed my life. 

I will probably always watch the videos of 9/11 with tears in my eyes. I feel those news reports. But, the Lord retaught me a verse during that time, and I have carried his lesson ever since. 

The verse I prayed and learned to obey because of 9/11 is the life verse that carried me through my son Ryan’s cancer—and I truly mean the word carried

Psalm 56:3 says, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” 

  • This verse says “when” not “if.” Fear is part of living on this side of heaven. We will all live with fears, but there is something all of us can do.
  • The action words are “I put.” Fears involve our free wills, our right to choose. I don’t really ask God to “take my fears away” anymore. I believe the Lord has instructed us to make a choice when we are afraid. God asks us to put our fears down, at his feet, and back away. He won’t “take” them because we are supposed to give them.
  • We try to control our fears, but that is the opposite of what God intends. He wants us to trust him enough to put them down and step away from them. When Jesus said, “Do not fear” (Matthew 10:26, 28), he said it as a command. Our best choice is to obey Psalm 56:3.
  • Knowing this verse won’t calm your fears as much as praying and obeying its words. It is obedience to knowledge that makes all the difference. 

When you are afraid . . . 

Are we waiting for the next 9/11? Maybe. 

Are we waiting for the next senseless shooting? Yes. 

Are we waiting for the next hurricane? Yes. 

Are we waiting for the doctor to call? Someday. 

The best time to get ready for moments of fear is before those fears come. 

Do you really believe God’s instruction in Psalm 56:3? 

You will know it the next time you are truly afraid. For now, pray that verse until you know and trust the words. Then, when the “when” happens—make your choice. 

For now, make your commitment: “When I am afraid, I will put my trust in you.” 

I hope that verse will change your life too.