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I was on my treadmill praying about this blog post when I remembered a news story I had seen the night before. That is how this contest idea was born! The news story reported that a Plano Police officer pulled over a car because the registration had expired. The young owner of the car explained to the officer that he had been working hard, but he had a wife and two children and after paying his bills, he just didn’t any money left for the car registration. He knew that wasn’t a good enough excuse, but it was the truth. The officer issued him a warning and when the young man unfolded the citation a while later, out fell a $100 bill. The Plano officer was later quoted as saying, “I knew he needed it more than I did.” The young man used the money to renew the registration on his car and his wife’s car as well. His father called the Plano police station wanting to thank the officer, but he wanted to remain anonymous. That is the story that has prompted my Christmas Contest idea! And I want all my readers, any of their friends, in fact, anyone you can tell – to enter this contest! Here’s why:
Between now and 5:00 p.m. next Monday, December 17th, there is going to be a contest of EPIC proportions. Ok…maybe that was a little over the top. But I hope it will be really big!
The Contest Rules:
1. I want you, you and your family members, or you and a friend to find someone that you can do a kind thing for. It can be anything that is an act of kindness to someone else, not in your immediate family. I thought about just asking you to tell us of something from the past, but that wouldn’t make as much of a difference for us today! So…think about who it is that can use your help today, tomorrow, or this weekend!
2. Then, I want you to come back to this blog post and use the comments section to tell us what you did. (So you need to keep this blog in your inbox until next Monday night and return to read it often!). You can enter as many times as you do an act of kindness. If you want to involve your kids, just help them to type their story. Note: (In the name portion – type your first name and last initial, ie: Janet D.) We want to keep people anonymous!!
3. I want all my readers to check back – often – between now and Monday night. Read those comments about the acts of kindness that others have submitted and vote for your favorite using the “like” button on that particular comment.
4. The three people with the most “likes” will receive: (1) blessings (from doing kind things) AND (2) I will contact you personally and send three copies of my Christmas story, Felix Navidad, personalized for whomever you choose – with a note to them saying why they received the book! Giving the gift of kindness is one of the main themes of Felix Navidad!
I hope this weekend is FILLED with hundreds of people showing kindness to others – so forward this to anyone you would. Check the comments section throughout the weekend and be sure to vote! And enter one of those comments that people are able to vote FOR! On your mark, get set, and be kind. It will be a GREAT weekend for you and your family!
Blessings to all my kind readers!!
(P.S. The “blog police just informed me that I have to tell you that no purchase is required. You are now duly informed. Carry on!!!)
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