Pray that God will do what God has done

Pray that God will do what God has done

How do we pray for Israel? How do we pray for our own country? What should we be asking for specifically? My husband Jim was recently speaking about the issues surrounding the conflict in Israel. Truthfully, peace seems to be an impossibility unless God intervenes. I...
Why did God create moms?

Why did God create moms?

We are so accustomed to our created world, we sometimes forget to wonder why God created it as he did. With Mother’s Day this Sunday, it’s a good week to celebrate the moms in our lives. But I want us to ask the question: Why did God create moms? Mammals didn’t have...
Heavenly minded or earthly good?

Heavenly minded or earthly good?

Many people have requoted or rephrased Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.’s famous statement: “Some people are so heavenly minded that they are of no earthly good.” You can follow this link if you are curious about Holmes himself, but suffice it to say, the man was brilliant....
What else should we “render” to God?

What else should we “render” to God?

Most of us are probably feeling a bit poorer this week. When Jesus taught us to “render unto Caesar” (Matthew 22:21) what we owe, our annual taxes became both a financial and spiritual responsibility. Rendering seems to get more complicated and costly every year. It...
The power of joy can fix your face

The power of joy can fix your face

Christians owe it to God to consider their face and make the necessary improvements. I’m not talking about Botox, fillers, makeup, or using your napkin after a meal. I’m talking about the expressions on our faces that others see throughout the day.   What does your...