A new reason to love Chick-fil-A

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I love Chick-fil-A. 

The food is great, the service is almost always better than anyone else’s, and they are absolutely clear about the fact they are a faith-based business. 

I was in college when Chick-fil-A wanted to open a place in the mall where I worked. Their opening caused a big stir.

The mall owners tried to insist they remain open on Sundays like everyone else, yet Chick-fil-A was dark every Sunday when I got to work. The store owners were all saying they would never last if they stayed closed, yet the lines at Chick-Fil-A are always much longer than at any other spot. 

It doesn’t look like they will be out of business anytime soon. 

I love Chick-fil-A because they represent something every Christian should know and trust: When God is blessing our choices, success will likely follow! Chick-fil-A, Hobby Lobby, In-N-Out Burger, and so many other faith-based businesses stand as examples for us. When our priorities honor God, we can accomplish more than we can imagine.  

I saw a Christmas ad from Chick-fil-A that prompted this blog post. It spoke of their Christmas movie for 2022 and provided a QR code people could use to watch it. I found it online instead and I’ve included the link for all of you. (Let’s just say I’ve not yet mastered that whole QR code idea.)  

So, in case the Christmas peppermint shake wasn’t enough, there is a new reason to love this favorite fast-food restaurant. The movie takes about seven minutes to watch and is worth it. I hope all of you can find a child, grandchild, or friend to share this with. The message is compelling and could provide some great conversation at dinnertime, carpool time, or anytime! 

Here is this year’s Chick-fil-A Christmas movie, The Snow Globe.

I hope you enjoyed it! 

What did you think?

I wish we were able to share our thoughts right now. What stood out most to you? 

Here are some of my thoughts: 

  • The emphasis on the clock and the value of time itself was an important point. Time, especially during the holidays, just seems to disappear if we aren’t careful. The snow globe is a timeless tradition at Christmas and there is a reason for that. It doesn’t need batteries or even a list of instructions. It just needs to be used with an imagination to be enjoyed.
  • I love that the child was supposed to think and imagine how she could help others. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if kids grew up with that goal? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if that was our goal for the holiday season as well?
  • The movie wasn’t about a complex plan or organized effort to accomplish a big event. It was simply about a young girl living with an awareness of the people God had placed in her life. Most evangelism and service will be accomplished through the moments God guides us to experience. It is the everyday, normal interactions we have with others that can most serve God’s purpose.
  • Finally, at the end, the child learns that her small acts of service at Christmastime were just the beginning. Serving others is a lifelong commitment for the sake of others and for the sake of our own joy. We just need to put on our aprons, our armor (Ephesians 6:1–20), and get to work.

All of us can be a blessing

If God handed us one of those special snow globes, who would we see inside? 

Would we close our eyes and hear God’s thoughts as we imagine possible ways to help? 

Would we get busy right away to bring God’s ideas to reality? 

I don’t know most of my readers . . . yet. I wish I could pour all of you a cup of hot chocolate and enjoy a great conversation about the impact this little seven-minute film could have in the life of a child, especially in the life of anyone who is a child of God. 

We should live and teach the benefits of knowing our God-given ability to be a blessing in the life of the people we meet each day. You + God = a blessing for someone else.  

I love Chick-fil-A for wanting to provide our Christmas season with this short film. I hope you will share this blog post or the link provided so that as many people as possible can see that film. It is a message for our culture, but it is especially a message provided for the sake of the people who will act on what they see.

As the Apostle Peter said, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10).  

Whose life will be blessed this week because Chick-fil-A serves God as well as great fast food? 

Whose life will you bless because you are a good steward of God’s grace? 

Take some time to think with God and imagine the possibilities.

Have a wonderful week looking around at the people God brings across your path. I am imagining all the blessings that he might inspire through all of you. 

Joy to our world, the Lord is come. We all have a reason to rejoice today and serve our King.

Posted by Janet Denison

Janet Denison teaches others to live an authentic faith through her writing, speaking, and teaching ministry. She blogs weekly at JanetDenison.org and often at ChristianParenting.org. She is also the author of The Songs Tell the Story and Content to Be Good, Called to Be Godly, among other books. Janet and her husband, Dr. Jim Denison, live in Dallas, Texas. When they’re not writing or ministering to others, they enjoy spending time with their grown children and their four still-growing grandchildren.